strange love

Jul 06, 2006 07:11

With mollyringwraith talking about Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell again, I suppose this is as good a time as any to return to feverish ponderings about a cast for the movie. Ex-specially given that the movie is actually in the works and Dangerous Liaisons playwright and screenwriter Christopher Hampton has reportedly completed the first draft. No one writes people in wigs like Chris Hampton.

So, for a movie of this Britishly sober, richly textured fantasy story about the re-emergence of wizardry in Napoleonic England, I have the following cast in mind. I am open to revision and I am in no way alone in my rampant web speculations ...

Strange: Paul Bettany
Norrell: Ben Kingsley
Gentleman with Thistle-Down Hair: Bill Murray
Stephen Black: Chiwetel Ejiofor
Lascelles: Rupert Everett
Drawlight: Alan Cumming
Vinculus: Robin Williams
Lady Pole: Keira Knightley
Arabella Strange: Anna Paquin
Childermass: Clive Owen
Wellington: Christian Bale
John Uskglass: Johnny Depp

Yes, I know I've made some odd choices and I know that only in Harry Potter movies and Woody Allen movies do this many above-the-title stars ever show up in supporting roles, but whatever.

The Gentleman with Thistle-Down Hair is a deranged fairie lord who any number of people could play. But I think Bill Murray would be among the scarier ones.

p.s. If you like, you can search the people I mentioned on IMDB using the tool below.

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The Internet Movie Database.

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