few things before bed

Mar 25, 2008 00:19

What's the last film you saw on DVD? What did you think of it?
Gone Baby Gone.  It was awesome, great acting from Casey Affleck, great twists and turns, I loved it.

What's the next film you plan to see on DVD?
Michael Clayton or Enchanted.  I’ve been dying to see both.

What's the last film you saw in the theater? What did you think of it?
The ( Read more... )

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Comments 12

fashion_jerk March 25 2008, 07:52:53 UTC


jedipanchan March 25 2008, 17:05:31 UTC

1. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn (hawt Jedi smex!)
2. Remus Lupin and Sirius Black (because it's so obvious, lol)
3. Aragorn and Legolas (because who doesn't love hot man-on-elf action??)
4. Matt Parkman and Mohinder Suresh (they're already living together and raising a child together, so why the hell NOT??)
5. JD and Turk (it's Guy Love, between two guys...LOL just kidding, I just can't think of anything else!)


fashion_jerk March 26 2008, 05:21:09 UTC


fashion_jerk March 26 2008, 05:21:28 UTC


lady_lyca March 25 2008, 17:03:50 UTC
I just watched some Arrested Development last night! I'm still only on season 1 sadly. Why does Will Arnett have to be married?!?!?! And to someone as awesome as Amy Poehler?!?! *tear*

Let's see...top 5...hmmm....Okay, top 5 most romantic scenes. They can be from book, tv, film, whatever. Just your faves. And I am stealing this meme!


jedipanchan March 25 2008, 17:16:24 UTC
HAHA, that episode when Gob gets married on a dare was soo funny!! I love him, he's so...oddball. XD

Romantic scenes, eh? (These aren't in any specific order, btw)

1. The ballroom scene in Beauty and the Beast, especially when the "camera" comes down from the ceiling and swoops around to Belle's dress twirling and twirling and twirling...SIGH

2. At the end of Return of the King when Aragorn sees Arwen at his becoming-king ceremony (I'm sure this ceremony has a word, but I'm blanking), and she bows her head to him because he's a king now, and he just tips her head up and snogs her in front of everyone.

3. The end of Spiderman 2 when Mary Janes runs to Peter's apartment in her wedding dress.

4. In season 3 of LOST, Kate and Sawyer were being held captive by The Others and forced to chop and haul rocks all day, and after a while Sawyer stops and watches Kate, who is obviously worn out and exhausted and scared, and then drops his pick-ax, strides past their captors, and swoops in for the passionate kiss. And then of course gets ( ... )


viperstingblue March 25 2008, 20:44:38 UTC
Dude, Elliot was on How I Met Your Mother!
XD Top 5 Scrubs moments, I want to know that!


jedipanchan March 26 2008, 00:29:49 UTC
Oh, this is so tough, there's so many great moments!

1. The "Guy Love" song in the musical episode.
2. When Carla found out she was pregnant.
3. Dr. Cox punching Kelso in the face for being mean to Elliot at the end of season 2.
4. The Janitor's drill-fork invention.
5. Turk's air-band performing "More Than a Feeling" outside the hospital.


sevthebat March 26 2008, 07:38:22 UTC
Ooh, these memes are all fun. :DDD
I've done the icon post before, but I have a few different icons now, so tag me if you're feeling curious.

Slightly more obscure question: Top five protagonists (from any series/fandom).


Your five favourite crack!pairings. x)


jedipanchan March 26 2008, 15:01:33 UTC
Ooh, I want to do both! :P

Top 5 protagonists:
1. Luke Skywalker- Star Wars OT
2. JD- Scrubs
3. Monkey D. Luffy- One Piece
4. Jack Shepard- Lost
5. Peter Petrelli- Heroes
(BTW, Harry's not on the list because I have mixed feelings about him, lol. Depends on the book, Y/Y?)

Top 5 crack!pairings (this is gonna be good):
1. Anakin/Yoda (Star Wars)
2. Sylar/Ando (Heroes)
3. Jack/Norrington (Pirates)
4. Snape/Giant Squid (Harry Potter)
5. Harry/Lucius Malfoy's Pimp Cane (Harry Potter)

Haaaahahahaha... XD


sevthebat March 28 2008, 07:18:40 UTC
Hoorah! Those are awesome answers.

And I hear ya. Harry's kinda hit-and-miss in terms of likability.

Hee. Harry/Lucius' Pimp Cane might just be as awesome as Lucius/Lucius' Pimp Cane. x)

Okay. I'm gonna steal the whole lot of memes now. :DDD


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