Line me up.

Oct 11, 2009 21:41

I saw a thread about the line-drying debate (srsly? we need to debate this?) over at pollanesque, based on the NYT article about it here:  So I though I would share my own thoughts on the right-to-dry movement, and those who oppose it:

You know, there's something deeper (and sicker) going on in the ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

winneganfake October 12 2009, 01:53:38 UTC
Nail. Head. Choir. Preaching. All of it. I'm pretty much in exact agreement with you on this.

Then again, I'm also too used to urban life- about the last thing I want is my lousy neighbors (even if I share a wall with them) to have any kind of legitimate say over what I do on my side fo the damn property line. There it is again- "my side." Ownership should fucking mean ownership. If my neighbor wants to build a twenty-foot-tall puce and magenta battleship, who am I to judge, unless it also blares out "YMCA" at 200 decibels every hour, which is when it does infringe on my property. Likewise, they shouldn't get rights to have any beef about what I do on my side of the fence, unless they start making my mortgage payments for me.


jedimomma October 12 2009, 02:23:12 UTC
winneganfake October 12 2009, 04:10:42 UTC
Ha! Oh, those are brilliant.

I must say though, it's stuff like that original post that's beginning to get me inspired towards more political/social commentary ranting again. This could get dangerous.


jedimomma October 12 2009, 12:43:44 UTC
Just let me know when to duck & cover.


Pretty Clotheslines ext_210032 October 12 2009, 19:06:51 UTC
And the same folk who complain about property values might just have a photo of an Amish clothesline in their Kountry Kitchen. You know, with quilts and brightly colored dresses all in a row?


heaumer001 October 12 2009, 20:14:48 UTC

I don't understand people.

we have to have legal fights over weather we can dry our laundry.


anonymous October 18 2009, 23:30:56 UTC
Well, I thought we were all being encouraged to dry our clothes on the line outside in order to conserve energy. I hang mine out to conserve energy, keep the utility bills down, smell the fresh line-dried smell on the clothes, and out of necessity because I'm poor. My dryer died a long time ago and it hasn't miraculously come back to life yet, so I will continue to decorate my yard with my laundry.


line drying anonymous January 28 2010, 20:47:41 UTC
And yet those same rich SNOBS are the ones who say we should all "save the environment," but apparently line drying isn't a "good enough" way to help make our "environmental footprint" smaller. The hypocrosy is sickening.

They did that here too when the airlines decided to change their flight path over the RICH homes to save fuel. OH!@ The upcry!

I love line drying. My clothes smell SO good after I line dry. The only thing that's tough to deal with it the stiffness of the clothes. (Of course a windy day helps with that. *wink* If I can keep the clothes from falling in the dirt!)

People need to pull their heads out of their asses and look at reality a little more.

I'm going to make a blog out of this. ;)


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