- X-Men: first class DVD extras
- Avengers publicity of the Thor DVD
- Thor extra scenes
- Avengers NYC set pics
- Michael Fassbender Mostra pics
I feel like the week was a only a long long squee XD
About Thor deleted scenes, I'm really disappointed that they were deleted, especially the Lokie ones. Of course it's because I'm a Loki fan, but also they really show who is really Loki. It's really a shame :(
All the Avengers news make me die more and more. I've never been so impatient for a movie since Star Wars. and also MY OTP OMG I WISH THEY WILL HAVE GREAT SCENES !!!
Also all the Hiddles pics!!! and Hawkeye is so hot ! I can't wait to see him for than one minute XD The black widow is also hot... Well the only one I don't like is Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner... his face is... well... quite ugly XD but he plays the Hulk so...
Yesterday, I went to see One Day with Jim Sturgess and Anne Hathaway and it is really a beautiful movie. Everyone should see it !! They're both such stunning actors! I love them !!!!
Day 15 -Your favorite collectible/merchandise from your fandom that you most cherish, or one that you wished you owned
My lightsaber of course :D
Day 16 - A quote from one of your fandoms that you love
May the force be with you !
Day 17 - Your favorite piece of art, be it original or a fan art, from your favorite fandom
Taking marvel as my favourite fandom... so much great artists and fanartists...
For original ones, I really like the art of Jim Cheung. Especially this one
And for fanarts, my favourite is this one but i'm sorry i don't remember who is the fanartist (must be somewhere on my tumblr though)
Day 01 - Your favorite all-time fandom(s) Day 02 - Your current fandom
Day 03 - First fandom, the one that made you the fangirl you are today
Day 04 -First, current, or favorite fandom crush
Day 05 - Your fandom secret Day 06 -Favorite song that brings fangirl tears to your eyes
Day 07 - Your OTP(s) Day 08 - A fandom that you thought you wouldn’t get sucked into, but ended up getting sucked into anyway
Day 09 - One of your favorite characters
Day 10 - Your favorite scene or moment from one of your favorite fandoms
Day 11 - The fan art, fan fiction, cover song, cosplay, etc. that you’ve made that you’re most proud of Day 12 - Your favorite fanartist or fanfiction writer Day 13 - The best cosplayers of your fandom that you’ve seen; the ones you
consider to be real-life versions of your favorite characters, OTP, etc.
Day 14 - A group of characters from one of your fandoms you’d love to hang out with for a dayDay 15 -Your favorite collectible/merchandise from your fandom that you most cherish, or one that you wished you owned
Day 16 - A quote from one of your fandoms that you love
Day 17 - Your favorite piece of art, be it original or a fan art, from your favorite fandom
Day 18 - An instance where you turned a friend into a fangirl
Day 19 - A theory (be it legitimate or completely crack) that you have always had about one of your fandoms
Day 20 - A character from a fandom whose clothes, hair, or features you’ve always admired
Day 21 - A moment, character, quote -ANYTHING- from one of your fandoms that had a great impact on your life
Day 22 - How you first got into being a fangirl
Day 23 - The silliest nerd/fangirl argument you’ve ever gotten into with someone
Day 24 - A town, city or village in a fandom of yours that you’ve always wanted to live in
Day 25 - Do you celebrate character birthdays? If so, tell us about the best character b-day party that you’ve ever thrown!
Day 26 - A fandom of yours that you feel is vastly underappreciated
Day 27 - Your favorite meme concerning one of your fandoms
Day 28 - Do you have a fandom tattoo? If you don’t and want to get one (or hypothetically wanted to get one), what would it be of?
Day 29 - If you plan on having children, would you name one of them after your favorite characters? If so, explain.
Day 30 -The reason why you’re proud to be the nerdy fangirl that you are