Week 12 - Entries

Mar 08, 2008 20:44

This week's challenge is silence! Which is just a fancy/metaphorical way of saying that all icons for this week must be textless. Not even tiny text should appear. You can use all other effects, techniques, and composition, but no words at all. The icon I'm using now is an example.


# Your icon must feature a Jedi character. Non-Jedi can be in it, but the Jedi must be the focus.
# Fallen Jedi characters must be iconed from when they were still Jedi. (e.g., you can make a Jedi!Anakin icon, but not a yellow-eyed Sith!Anakin icon.) Dark Jedi are not allowed.
# You may submit up to 3 icons.
# Icons must be made new for this contest, and cannot be crossposted to other challenges. Do not display the icons publicly until the challenge is over.
# All icons must fit LJ standards (no more than 100x100 pixels and 40kb; .jpg, .gif, or .png)

Enter your icons with a screened comment to this post. Your submission should look like this:

URL: http://iconurl.jpg
Jedi: Obi-Wan Kenobi
Series/Era: A New Hope, Rebellion era

Icons are due by midnight (relative to your time zone) on Friday, March 21st. That gives you two weeks since we're biweekly now. Voting will be posted that Saturday.

Also, padme_stills is returning, so go take a look! They need another mod there, so please apply if you're interested. ^^

entries, week 12

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