(no subject)

Jan 13, 2009 23:26

Kira leaves Revan with a kiss in the morning, her hand holding his up until the last possible second and then she's going back to her ship, grabbing another shower, dressing in her own clothes. Leo's stacked the datapads on the table in the galley and she grabs a place there as they hurtle through space back to Dantooine.

Leo joins her after a while, reading through the 'pads she hasn't gotten to, and they highlight words, look for things they can tie to the current Sith movement. It's slow going and boring, but it passes the time, and once they get back to the Enclave, they have a stack of things to cross reference.

"Tomorrow." Kira says, wearily, when they land.

"Two days off, please." Leo begs as they walk down the hatch.

"Three." Kira concedes as she steps into the Enclave. She takes the crate of datapads with her and sets them on her table, having a full five minutes to feel weary to the bone of traveling and falling through graves, before Mical brings her daughters back and they crowd around her, clamoring for her attention. Mical takes the crate, leaving her with her children.

The twins talk over each other and hug her and ask about their father and eventually tire out and collapse in their mother's bed, curled against her, fast asleep, all three of them.

Three days pass in a flurry of little girls and bows and dresses and hugs and playing and dolls and stuffed animals and trying to dress Ilona in baby doll clothes. The girls go back to classes with the other students and Kira goes back to the enormous library the Enclave possesses, to spend her time idly reading summaries and cross referencing the steps of the Old Sith with the New.

Two more days pass (in shuffled 'pads, headaches, more caffa than a human should be able to withstand) before they make any headway and it just leads them back to where none of them wanted to go.

"The Unknown Regions." Mical sighs, his voice bland. "Of course."

"Well that does mean they aren't...really taking over..." Leo rubs at his eye, frowning. "Yet."

"Yet." Kira stands, her robes rustling as she paces a wide window. She crosses her arms, shaking her head. "Kriff, it's all back to Revan."

Leo groans, running his hand through his hair. "He gets all the fun missions."

"I'll pair you with him the next time he needs an assistant." Mical looks at Kira over Leo's head and they mouth the word at the same time: never.

Kira starts a note for Revan, letting him know about what they've found, where it all leads, does he want this information, will he please come home, but the twins interrupt her.

They climb ontop of her and play with her hair, they make her play games, they splash in the bath, they make her read three stories tonight. "Book, Mama! Book!" they say over and over again and she cannot deny them.

She feels strange though, different. She puts it down to stress and the tiredness of finding yet another place she cannot go. She doesn't regret anything in her life at this moment, she only wishes the Sith were closer so she could punch them without having to leave the known galaxy.

She rests on the couch, the feeling of strangeness not leaving her, her hand against her stomach as she dozes. Something clicks into place and her eyes fly open.

No. She couldn't be. Not...not now, not so soon, not pregnant. She grimaces slightly before pressing with the Force and she gasps.

It's been about a week and a half since she'd seen Revan. She figured it out even sooner with the twins but she had been worried, then. Now she was just so damn casual and--

Her hand flies to her mouth and she bit her lip as she smiles. Pregnant. Again. Oh man.

Kira jumps up to finish her note to Revan, adding at the end, where she begs him to come home, a quick:

I need to tell you something.

She presses send and sinks back against the chair, hand pressed against her forehead. Oh, man.
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