(no subject)

Jan 07, 2009 01:09


Kaelyn was asleep, thumb in her mouth, in Kira's lap as Kira flicked through the datapad Leo had handed her. Ellia was conched out beside her on the couch and Leo kept sneaking glances at the little girl, smiling warily.

"They're asleep, they won't bite you."

"Yeah, but they're like...so little. And yours. It's weird." Leo shrugged. "And highly unnatural for a Jedi."

"Yep, I'm breakin' the rules wherever I go." She frowned as she got to the end of the report. "Not a lot, huh?"

"Yeah. These guys aren't moving with the other factions...even though it's all rumors. You know? Everything about them is a rumor. It's like they Sith mostly dropped out of the galaxy, but that's such bull, I mean...just 'cause the three died doesn't mean more aren't rising to take their place."

Kira smiled, shfiting Kaelyn in her arms. "I like the way you think. Paranoid. You're like me."

"Well, that's not so bad." Leo murmured, staring at her before he took the datapad back with a curt bow and gestured behind him. "I'm gonna do some more research for myself."

She dropped her gaze to her daughters, memorizing the features they shared with her husband. "Let me know what you find."

They didn't find much more and it was annoying as hell.

Kira wandered the halls with the twins, letting them run around and Leo would follow, the two of them discussing current Sith movements, the intrigue, the rumors of another group on the rise. "It's not concrete, of course, but I've heard more than two rumors about it, so it's more than the others have."

Kira thought of her husband and wondered what he was doing. Wondered where his leads were taking him. Thought of the girls and worried about leaving them. She sighed, knowing she'd regret this at some point. "Where?"

"Rhen Var." Leo muttered.

Kira groaned. Already she was regretting it. "Tell Mical we're going to need warmer clothes."

Leo's grin was incorrigable. She glared at him half-heartedly until he ran off to find the Disciple, leaving Kira alone with her daughters. "Come on," She sighed, sadly. "Let's spend some quality together, dear ones."

They left that night, Kira leaving the piloting to Leo as she stared at the datapad in her hands as she sat on her bunk. Rhen Var. She was so going to regret this.
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