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Jan 06, 2009 14:26

Outer Rim

"They've been arguing for three hours." Kira sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "About crops."

Leo, the kid the Council sent her with, snorted. "It's an Outer Rim planet where they take pride in shooting each other for their neighbor's droids and wives. What did you expect?"

"I think Mical hates me." Kira decided, huffing another sigh. "It's the only reason he'd send me out here."

"That and the rumors that the Telemp clan is getting support from 'mysterious figures'?" Leo reached forward and grabbed a piece of fruit, taking a bite as he watched the two heads-of-houses argue more.

"Rumors of mysterious figures that could be the Sith are supposed to be my husband's thing nowadays." It was her turn to snort. "Though I'm sure Naddists on Onderon are much more exciting. Eugh."

"Man, I'd like to go to Onderon with Revan."

Kira gave him a look.

"Not that you're not totally awesome, Master Isek. I mean, you restored the Jedi after Revan completely wiped them out. Go you." Leo hid a grin behind his hand. "And uh, you're very pr--"

"That's enough." Kira raised her eyebrows, struggling to hide her own smile. "Let's break them up and go back to the inn. I'm exhausted and I need to call the girls."

Leo inclined his head respectfully before standing to move between the two farmers and suggested reconvening tomorrow. Kira's smile blossomed quickly as she watched him use a calm voice and a subtle Force pressure to get them to agree. This is what she missed. Missions where teaching was involved. Not missions with farmers who argued over harvests.

They exited the building, cloaks billowing behind them in the dusty streets as villages bought various sundry from the market.

"Do you--" Leo turned to look at the building again.

Kira grabbed his arm and pulled him away, ducking suddenly as windows on the third floor exploded and fire and smoke escaped. "Yeah." She muttered. She felt the malicious intent. "Concussion bomb?"

"R-really?" Leo looked shocked, his arm around her protectively, as he stared up at the building. "So those mysterious figures?"

"I'll call Mical. You make sure no one on the street got hurt." She stood, shakily, and took off for the inn they were staying in. She needed to get her comm, get their things and move places immediately. If it was the Sith, she was endangering Leo, and everyone. They needed to move.

"We're orbiting the planet." Kira rubbed her eyes as she spoke to the Disciple on the ship's comm. It wasn't the Hawk, but it wasn't bad either. Roomy and clean. She could hear her daughter's playing in the background of Mical's room. "It seemed the safest thing to do."

Mical was nodding and he sighed. "Kira, I'm so sorry, I never thought it would come to thi--"

Her hand being held up broke him off. "It's me. It always comes to this. Just be glad Atton's not here too, or we'd have wild animals running down the streets as well. You know. Something entirely unrelated that just gets in the way."

They shared a smile, a fond reminiscent one of the 'good old days'. Kira bit her lip. "Have you heard from...Revan?"

"No. Though if Bastila has, she might not have told me unless Revan had something new to report."

Kira nodded. "Uh, yeah. We'll keep you updated on this situation. I'm hoping it's just some stupid kids. Not the usual."

It's the usual. It always is.

The Telemp clan has been accepting help from the Sith in their efforts to draw Jedi here to get rid of them. And well, haven't they hit the jackpot, when the Jedi that came was the one they've been after for years. There's an ambush and Kira and Leo fight them off and they win.

Of course they win. They're the heroes and the bad guys just don't understand. "I'm not one for speeches." Kira murmured as she pressed the hilt of her lightsaber against the assassin, thumb hovering over the switch. "But you've been coming after me for years, and I beat you when I was at my weakest. Of course I'll win now."

He died with a gurgle as she pressed the button, and she sighed.

"This trip sucked." Leo muttered, shoving a body away.

"Tell me about it." Kira sighed again, pressing her fingers against her nose. "Grab what you can off the bodies...maybe we'll get evidence of if this is a bigger than just farmers thing. I hope not."

They don't find anything. The accords with the farmers go well, now that the Sith are gone. No more buildings blow up.

She felt restless. She wanted to investigate more. "Leo? When we get home, cross reference this planet with known Sith movement. Please."

She just needed to know more.
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