(no subject)

Apr 27, 2008 15:32

The weeks have passed on Alderaan with minimal Milliwayslike interruptions. The twins are six months, seven months, eight months and are fast coming on nine months.

Women have told Kira that they'll grow up behind her back if she's not careful and every time they do something new, her heart pangs.

Revan works at the spaceport, and when the twins are napping, Kira's talking to Mical and Mira and discussing the next plans for the Jedi, and acquiring funds from the government for them. She says she doesn't want anything, but Mical insists on sending her a small stipend. She doesn't send it back. It helps.

The twins learn to sit. They crawl a bit and scooch around a lot and then it turns into only crawling and Kira's constantly got the girls underfoot and she almost dreads the day they learn to walk if they're already getting into so much. The first time Kaelyn pulls herself up, it's on a bookshelf and one of Kira's parenting books falls on the baby's head.

She sits there, stunned for a moment before she bursts into tears and Kira spends a half-hour cradling her to her chest, whispering that she'll be okay and just when Kira's so exhausted that she doesn't think she can do it anymore, Kaelyn looks up at her and with tears streaming down her face, she says her first word.

It's "Mama" and Kira bursts into tears.

Revan comes home to find Kira on the floor with Kaelyn curled up in her lap as Ellia babbles on about something and puts blocks into her mouth. His wife is teary-eyed and she tells him about Kae's first word and he smiles softly as he kisses her forehead and turns to Ellia to tell her that her first word had better be "Daddy."

It's "gizka", oddly enough, even if the word is deformed by her baby-talk, it's still understandable.

Days pass. Time passes. The Milliways visits happen more for Revan than Kira and idly she wonders if she's missing her door...but then one day it's there, and Atton comforts one of the girls and she's there to witness it and it makes her day. (She knew he'd step up to the plate).

More days pass. They settle into a routine. Revan works, Kira watches the girls, does the work the Jedi Council asks of her, sleeps when she can, and Revan comes home. They eat dinner (the girls wear more of it), bath time, relax a little and then it's bedtime.

Tonight, Ellia doesn't want to sleep and Kaelyn, sharing a room with her, won't settle down if El's not settled. Kira's tried everything and none of it works. She's exhausted and Kaelyn's started to whimper from her crib again. Revan's her saviour as he walks in and takes Ellia from Kira and rocks her back and forth.

She quiets. It's when Revan can make them quiet that Kira feels inadequate as a mother, but tonight...she doesn't care. She just wants them to rest. Kira kisses Kaelyn's forehead and settles her back down as Ellia is placed in her crib by her father.

"Da," She tells him sleepily. "Dada."

Later, as Kira sets her datapad down and pushes her hair out of her eyes to go to sleep and Revan turns to her for a moment. "It was worth the wait."

She grins. It was.


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