and there was a stranger in the rest of us

Apr 03, 2010 11:36

- supp. haven't written for ages, but i have been around livejournal! i actually have, and i have started posting on communities again and i'm pretty sure i'm back. joyful, i know. i'm not even going to bother posting about the jin issue, i've kind of accepted it and i am ready to move on. my moment of ranting silently in my head is over ( Read more... )

boring rl stuff, f-cut, skins!, kat-tun are the queens of my heart

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Comments 22

twicefolds April 3 2010, 01:30:47 UTC
Lawl Sada, you know I ugh you very very much :P <3\

And I agree about the Jin issue - it made me sadface but...hmm...moving on I suppose :/

So s'up o: What's going on in your life? Actually, I should prolly call you sometime and we can be fabulous and go out in the holidays~


jeauexe April 3 2010, 08:42:39 UTC
haha ily too! don't you dare cut me... bitch :D

i know. the jin issue saddens me, but i am pretending it didn't happen. actually, i don't really mind, but i hope he does well and such. i will support kuntt and jin seperately (:

my life is happenin, yo. haha not really. it's okay. but we must meet up in the hols! i actually was thinking about calling you today but... yeah. i went and played piano for two hours (: omggg i need to go to your house and convert you to skins. yeah, that's right :D


twicefolds April 3 2010, 08:45:24 UTC
Aww...I was hoping to buy a KAT-TUN album when I go to Japan this year ): idk what the newest one will be when I go though (in September)

LAWL. Piano > Me obviously >P <3 Ah well...let's find something awesome to do in the hols. Pepper lunch! O: You are so not converting me ;___;! I'm too weak to resist it T_____T!!


jeauexe April 3 2010, 08:54:22 UTC
... YOU'RE GOING TO JAPAAAAAN? omg i love you. you should buy it, whatever it is! have you heard d-motion? it's quite good, actually. i might find myself slowly inching back into fandom, which is good because i need something to flail about. it's probably going to be skins and kat-tun, haha. maybe gossip girl if i can get back into it.

no i totally love you more than piano hahaha. pepper lunch sounds good! we could watch a movie? idk. OMG DID YOU KNOW TOMORROW WHEN THE WAR BEGAN IS BECOMING A MOVIE? i literally screamed when i found out, haha. and yes, you will be converted. i will download the avi versions and burn them so i can convert you. unless you'd prefer mp4? because i have those already (:


dashed April 3 2010, 03:19:59 UTC
.... omg what Jin issue? D:


jeauexe April 3 2010, 08:47:02 UTC
... are you srs? he's going to america. again! D:

here and here

if you haven't heard already. it's not a recent development (:


dashed April 3 2010, 20:37:33 UTC
oh..I knew about that LOL sorry :( I thought it was something else... I didn't know people were actually upset over it (I mean he has done it before...leaving) just saying ._. but I guess the is it the US debut thing? //CAN'T U TELL I'M OUTTA FANDOM FOR A WHILE NOW ... I feel lost


jeauexe April 4 2010, 01:54:33 UTC
haha probably, people are all like raaaaage in the fandom, but whatever. kat-tun fans still scare me :D and yes, the us debut thing or whatever he's doing, i hope he goes well (: and that goes for the rest of kat-tun as well haha. i'm just going to stay the heck away from fandom.

haha i'm out of fandom too, dwdw. i feel lost every time i click on kat-tun comms. :D


remap April 3 2010, 05:14:52 UTC
Is the Jin thing the US debut issue? :(



jeauexe April 3 2010, 08:49:05 UTC
YES omg he makes me sadface. but i hope he does well... i guess. he needs to make up his mind on what he wants to do in regards to kat-tun...

ALSO YES WHAT IS WITH THAT OMG TOTAL RAGEEEEE THEY DID NOT DO THAT IT MAKES ME CRY SO SO HARDDDD thank you i needed to rant because i am going to force all my friends to watch skins and i didn't want to spoil anyone so i needed to vent.

on the other hand, cook! :D


marlenem April 3 2010, 08:43:00 UTC
- Hey back! :D Nice to see you around more :3
- I have season 1 of Skins on my HD and I plan to watch it, too. So many praises the series it must be awesome *-*
- If you've already did the cut: thanks for keeping me. If didn't yet, keep me pls! :D


jeauexe April 3 2010, 08:51:12 UTC
ahahaha ty bb (: i will definitely be posting my way around again. (:

omgomgomg best freaking series ever. haha it might start off a little slow, depending, but give it a chance and watch it and i'm pretty sure you'll like it, haha. i hope people haven't hyped it up too much for you, because if you don't like it so much i don't want you to be disappointed however i doubt you will be

nupp, i'm keeping you (: ♥


wevvles April 3 2010, 22:44:20 UTC
How is the musical going?

[Lol, just did a quick check of your profile page and I noticed my old journal is still on your flist! Man, it's been aaages since I've looked at it. Probably won't. My tweeny self was embarassing]


jeauexe April 4 2010, 01:56:25 UTC
omg i was thinking of doing a separate post about that. haha want to come and watch it? :D

[haha i tend to keep around people's old journals... idk why, but i feel weird defriending them. and dw, everyone's tweeny self was embarrassing. i look back on my past self and cringe heckloads (:]


wevvles April 4 2010, 05:17:51 UTC
I'd love to watch it, but I have a horrendous amount of assessments on during that time (mid May, right?) not to mention I usually work on Fridays and Saturdays. :S But I'm sure it will be excellent! I'm definitely keeping an eye out for your upcoming post!


jeauexe April 5 2010, 22:58:55 UTC
end of may, actually (: but yeah, i'll make sure there are pictures to amuse everyone haha :D it will certainly be epic, i mean, i have a ridic amount of costume changes :D


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