leave me some stardust to remember you by

Aug 10, 2009 00:29

a;lfkjals i just signed up for nanowrimo. i am clearly crazy. as my exams are in november. i am crazy. :/

... friend me? my account name is tharae  :D

writing =/= fun, nanowrimo

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Comments 8

shadings August 9 2009, 15:09:51 UTC
OMFG YES SARAH YESSSSSSS. my exams are in november too! WE CAN BE CRAZY TOGETHER. i just added you. :D


jeauexe August 9 2009, 15:21:31 UTC
HAHA I WILL ADD YOU BACK. i do believe that i will have a very hard time this year because of the sheer multitude of exams i will have but i wanted to know what nano was about and then i found my mouse over the sign up button and then it clicked and then aslkfjas haha THIS IS GREAT. WE SHALL FLAIL TOGETHER WHEN THE TIME COMES :D


remap August 9 2009, 16:01:42 UTC
!!!!!!!! :D
I've always wanted to do NaNo but.. I can barely even write 1000 words D: But I'll watch you :D :D

.. sobs, did I ever read the most recent pin fic.. T_T


jeauexe August 9 2009, 16:42:40 UTC
haha whats up! :D

alskfjas you should do it too! i mean i can only barely reach 2500 words when i write, so DO IT. challenge yourself! :DDDDD

but thank you for watching me. awww (:

haha, i'm not sure, did you? :D?


cynicalism August 9 2009, 22:10:22 UTC
oooh nano. i think i'll actually sign up for that this year! :D

completing it is another thing altogether, of course. XD


jeauexe August 10 2009, 09:51:55 UTC
haha, that is true. i only started considering that after i signed up. clearly i think my actions through. :/

you should! and then we can be all ~*~fail~*~ together (:


dangerously_tor August 16 2009, 07:24:51 UTC
Oop. For a second, I thought the guy in your emotion picture was MatsuJun! Haha!


jeauexe August 17 2009, 10:57:27 UTC
haha, close but not quite! he's akanishi jin, they're from the same entertainment company in japan, and he's way pretty. :D

they do have the same hair, but. :D


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