[MEET-UP] Japan Day 2010 in Central Park NYC

May 10, 2010 20:11


Hi everyone!

The weather has been cool and VERY breezy in New York but it won't be long until it gets really warm again which would be perfect for another Johnny's Entertainment Fan Meet-up~!

Last year I held a meet up on Japan Day NYC in Central Park and I figured that it would be a great event to hold this year's meet-up as well! It was lots of fun and it even made appeared on Japan's Tokudane news show and got a mention on Arashi's Arashi no Shukudai-kun's variety show (mainly because of the Sugoroku board game we played! XD).

So, I hope many of you are interested in attending this year's meet-up!

What: Johnny’s Entertainment Gathering
When: June 6th 2010, Sunday, during Japan Day 2010 @ Central Park
Where: Central Park (East Meadow) MAP
Time: 11:00 AM (Not strict, take your time enjoying the event and leave when you want!)
How: East Meadow is located along 5th Avenue between 97th and 100th Street.
Why: Have fun and meet other fans!

Last year, most of the highlights were some of the games that we played. A lot of the time had been spent going around the circle sharing a little info of ourselves and enjoying the variety of fans of groups they liked and where they were from. I'm open for any suggestions that others have as to what we could do this year! I was thinking of playing simple, fun rounds of 'Guess that Song' or something. XD; I have other games in mind as well but those will be developed later once my finals are over. >.>

Name: (whatever you wanna be called upon meeting others is fine)
Where are you from?: (be as specific or vague as you want)
Age: (this could be a concern of some others)
Fave JE groups: (as many as you want XD)
Anything else/What would you like to do?: (Bringing others? Bringing goodies? Comments? Whee?)

Here is also a Facebook group for the Japan Day 2009 JE meet to check out what went on then. Then here is a general Johnny's Entertainment Fans - NYC group that's still in development. X3;

For any questions, comments, concerns, or anything, feel free to comment, PM me, or email me at alkoi@live.com. :)

meet up:nyc

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