Testing, testing, ichi, ni, san...

Apr 10, 2008 03:54

This is a practice session to help me work out the kinks in this system. I appreciate any ideas/feedback you have on how to make this go more smoothly in other words, I have no real idea what I'm doing and I should have been in bed hours ago. These are the proposed rules. They're currently open to suggestion and change.

♦Interested people sign up for the latest session (right now, the only session).
   ・There is a separate sign-up post for each round--you can find them by clicking the 'sign-up' tag.
   ・Each session will have a date by which sign-ups for that session will be closed.
   ・If you miss it, you can still join! You just automatically go to the end of the line or come back for the next one.
   ・At this time, only the latest session is open for sign-ups. Older sessions have been closed.

♦Numbers will be assigned randomly to each person who signs up.
   ・The person who gets number 1 will write a one-shot to start us off
   ・The person who gets number 2 takes the last few sentences or the last paragraph or so from person #1's fic, and writes another one-shot with the end of #1's fic as the start of their own fic. Fic are of various lengths and may inspire each individual writer differently, so there's set required amount of the previous fic you must use. You must use at least 1 full sentence from the previous fic, and as a ballpark max, I suggest no more than 2 decently sized paragraphs.
   ・The next person does the same, using the end of the next fic as the start of their own.
   ・Etc., etc.


End of Fic 1:
Yamapi gasps out the wrong name when he comes--or the right name, but with the wrong person--but, panting against his shoulder, she doesn't seem to care. Yamapi knows someone who would. If he ever finds out.

Start of Fic 2:
Yamapi gasps out the wrong name when he comes--or the right name, but with the wrong person--but, panting against his shoulder, she doesn't seem to care. Yamapi knows someone who would. If he ever finds out.

He ends up calling and saying work is running late and won't be able to make dinner. Sorry. Some other time. No, he doesn't know when yet. He'll call tomorrow--no, make that in a few days, when he knows his schedule better. Yeah, He loves him too.

It takes Yamapi the better part of a week to call. Koki calls twice, but it goes straight to voicemail so Yamapi must be working. He leaves a message the second time asking if they're still on for the weekend. Yamapi texts him a 'yes' back late the next day, and Koki almost feels guilty because Yamapi must be exhausted if it's taking him so long to reply.

・See? Fic Shiritori.

♦Each person has at least a week to write. You might have more time, if the person before you turns their fic in early.
   ・Please post by 11 PM on Sundays, Pacific Time (this is an arbitrary time/date, but I thought it might make it easier for people get their fic done).
   ・Please post your fic promptly. If you post it early, the next person in line has more time to write their own.

anamuan turns in her fic at 6pm (PST) on the first Sunday.
jadedfrenzy has until 11pm (PST) the next Sunday to turn in her fic, but she posts it on Wednesday.
go_shiritori still has until 11 the Sunday after that to turn in her fic, but because jadedfrenzy turned hers in early, go_shiritori has more than a week to write. She can turn hers in early too, or at 11pm on Sunday night, or anything in between.

   ・Just arrange it amongst yourselves, and keep the mods (err, me) notified about finalized changes.
   ・When possible, try to trade with as much advance notice as possible, so someone else isn't scrambling
   ・If you're super busy or something comes up, try to trade before you quit, but we all realize that life happens and sometimes it gets in the way of fic.

   ・These are just challenge fic, so you don't need an extensive beta-ing process, but please give it a once-over, or have someone look it over for you.
   ・At the very least, spellcheck.
   ・Please use the journal default text for fic entries so that it's easy to read for everyone.

♦To submit your fic, post it as a new entry to the community.
   ・Community membership is open and all members can post. This way the last fic is easy for the next person in line to find, and we don't have to worry about combing through comments to find the fic we're supposed to be writing from.
   ・Post under an lj-cut.

♦Write. There are no rules about what kind of fic you can or cannot write. Go all out, be creative, play around, whatever. Just please don't break any laws. I am not responsible for that shit.

Anything else you think might be good?


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