Title: To Care for Kizuna
Rating: PG
Pairing: Surprise!
Summary: The first episode of Shounen Club Ultra, hosted by Koyama Keiichiro, is being taped. The guests are Shuji to Akira, who are ready to talk about the last five years since they debuted. What if Shuji to Akira was not a temporary unit, but was acually the intended debut group?
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Comments 4
And, okay, I have to admit that Koyama pressing things and ignoring management really stole the show for me. I like it when the talent rebels against authority.
but a part of me quite likes this what-if (if simply because it's an akame fangirl's wet dream XD) because it is kind of unexpected and at the same time it makes bucketloads of sense. if it had been intended as a permanent duo they would have had to make a smarter match than kamepi (although, nwp is one of my favourite dramas, and I think they have a big part in that) and akame would have brought along the kat-tun fanbase. lol, shouldn't be theorising at this time in the morning. anyway! I really enjoyed the interactions of the boys, and koyama really gives off a pro vibe here. ;) you also 'filled it out' really well, the interview didn't seem forced even though there was a lot to it, and you also gave great background info.
I'm super curious about Yamapi's career now, since he doesn't have Nobuta or Kurosagi anymore. XD
I think you did an amazing job writing this, since it was ALL interview and therefore 90% dialogue, which must've made it difficult to build up tension and stuff like that. Loved it!
I dig the idea of 3DK, though, completely!
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