Title: For Your Ears Only
Rating: PG
Pairing: RyoJin
Summary: Is it possible to fall in love without ever speaking? Ryo and Jin think it is.
Prompt: Kanjani8 - Osaka Rainy Blues
Warnings: None.
Notes: Thanks G. for brainstorming with me, I'd never have dreamed this up without your help.
It was a freezing rainy night three years ago )
Comments 4
This was quite, quite *lovely*. I loved the melancholy atmosphere, the lonely feel of it, and the ending was divine (if totally GUTTING). Gorgeously written too.
Thank you so much for sharing!
I love this pairing, and there is so little of it. Lovely, great job! ♥
I like that there's a lot left unsaid, bits in between the lines to fill in about how they got there, the notes in between breaths where the two are communicating with each other somehow. Not my group(s) that I usually follow, so I treated them more as characters, and the feeling comes across clearly even though I don't have a clear vision of them. The dreamy, viewing-through-drizzle atmosphere really surrounded me as I was reading. Well done. ^_^
So happy to see this pairing ♥
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