in the wild; good friends, good food

Nov 18, 2009 14:53

Title: In the Wild
Unit for Points: Kis-My-Ft2
Word Count: 100
Characters: Senga, Tamamori
Notes: Catch one, catch them all. (For Mousi's green dragon. 8D)

"Look there~" Senga whispered, peering through his binoculars. "A fine specimen of Nikaidon. What brilliant green scales."

"Mm." Tamamori wasn't paying much attention.

"Yes," Senga continued regardless. "And look! Over there, the Wattasaurus and Mitsuraptor fight over a carcass."

"Who died?"

"Ah! The Taipidactyl sweeps down to claim his stake."

"…stake his claim?"

Senga turned, pouting. "Tamaaa! Go home if you don't want to be on this expedition."

Tamamori blinked slowly back over stroking the snout of a curious-looking, thick-shelled reptile. "Well. Here's a Miyacchimon if you want to look."

"Wah!" Senga exclaimed. "How did you coax it so close!"

Title: Good friends, good food.
Unit for Points: Kis-My-Ft2
Word Count: 100
Characters: Kitayama
Notes: Home is where the heart is~ and that kind of thing.

Kitayama was good with restaurants. Whatever a date said she felt like eating, he could bring her somewhere good.

They were never his own favourites, though:

The cheap, 24-hour ramen store on the corner didn't have the tastiest broth, but it was where he and Fujigaya had first talked long into the night about Kis-My-Ft2's future nearly two winters ago. And the yakiniku place next door didn't serve particularly good meat, but that'd been where Yokoo had broken a then-invisible barrier, sharing Nikaido's worries in confidence 'just so you're aware too, okay?'

The ambiance of memories simply couldn't be shared.

challenge: au, challenge: favorite restaurant, unit: kis-my-ft2

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