These are the Bonds of (Johnny's) Men

Sep 01, 2009 18:56

Title: These are the Bonds of Men
Unit for points: NEWS
Word Count: 100
Characters: NEWSxNEWS
Author's notes: Work sucked. I don't remember how words go.


“This time,” Koyama starts, once NEWS is planning their next tour, “we have to censor our backstage filming. I think it’s why our DVD wasn’t released this year.”

Ryo scowls. “Pi’s the one who wanted naked bonding time.”

“It was naked bonding time’s fault?” Yamapi asks, disbelievingly.

“Probably,” the members say.

Yamapi becomes sad. “No more naked bonding time?”

The others become sad too. They do like naked bonding time.

“Let’s do naked bonding time now!” Tegoshi suggests, eventually. “No cameras.”

“Hmmm,” Yamapi begins.

“Hmmm,” the remaining members reply, and everyone suddenly cheers up.

NEWS really loves naked bonding time.


challenge: tours, unit: news

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