Permanent Guest

Sep 01, 2009 00:10

Title: Permanent Guest
Unit for points: NEWS
Word Count: 100
Characters: TegoshixShige
Author's notes: I should be in bed and this is stupid. Hell day starts in a few hours. >>


“This is the living room and the kitchen,” Tegoshi explains, showing his new apartment to a skeptical Shige.

“For someone who couldn’t pack his own suitcase, I can’t see you living alone,” Shige says. “Do you even cook or clean?”

Tegoshi laughs and continues walking. “There’s my bedroom, the bathroom, and Shige’s room.”

Shige stops. “What?”

“Shige’s room,” Tegoshi repeats.

Shige scowls. “I am not sleeping there.”

“Yay!” Tegoshi chirps.

Shige is understandably confused.

Tegoshi simply pulls Shige into the master bedroom. “That means Shige’s sleeping with me instead, ne!”

The next morning, Shige finds himself making them both breakfast.

challenge: tours, unit: news

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