Title: Of Roommates & Mistletoe
Pairing/Group: Kamenashi Kazuya/Taguchi Junnosuke, Nakamaru Yuichi, Koyama Keiichiro, Aiba Masaki, Oguri Shun (implied relationships, some mentions of Jin and Yamapi)
Rating: R
Warnings: None. Unless excessive fluff counts…? ;P
Notes: For the rating, it’s more a light-ish R, lol. And I think I may have failed at Oguri (and maybe Aiba) completely. OTL This is a little funny, a lot fluffy, haha. Anyways,
rolling_scone, I really hope you enjoy reading this. Happy Holidays~ ♥
Summary: AU. Kame hated his new roommate. Maybe. Not really.
Kame didn’t mind the idea of a roommate. He had one for three years after all, and if he could survive Jin, then he figured anyone else would be a piece of cake. Problem was, he wouldn’t be meeting him for at least another couple weeks.
All he knew was that his name was Taguchi Junnosuke, he was some kind of performer and he was a slob.
The first two he learned from Nakamaru Yuichi and Koyama Keiichiro - apparently, they were the welcoming committee for the house - but the last was obvious enough the second he stepped into his new room. Clothes were thrown haphazardly on the beanbag chairs and separate beds, while CDs, books and magazines were spread out on two desks that had been pushed together. Old soda cans, beer bottles and open potato chip bags littered a wide low level table in front of the flat screen TV attached to the wall. Then there were the different game controllers and consoles in disarray on the floor.
Nakamaru winced at the scowl on his face. “Taguchi’s usually not like this,” he said. “He always gets a little crazy before he has to travel.”
Koyama frowned as he gathered some of the leftover junk food, and Kame was glad he wasn’t the only one displeased by the mess. “Yes, Junno’s actually very cleanly,” he said. “I don’t know what happened here.”
Kame wasn’t sure if they were covering for him or not, but it didn’t matter either way. It wasn’t like he could afford to be choosy. “Doesn’t look like he’s used to sharing his space,” he said. He pushed aside a few crumpled T-shirts on the bed with plain blue sheets and laid his suitcase on it.
“Yamapi left awhile ago,” Koyama said, passing the junk food over to Nakamaru. He brushed the crumbs off the table into a small trash bin. “You’re the first person to actually follow through with moving in.”
“Did the other prospective roommates take a look at this place and run?” Kame tossed his duffel next to his suitcase. Why had he trusted Jin’s word again? Something about how his best friend had lived there for years and his roommate was an okay guy. “I can’t tell which side is supposed to be mine.”
“You’re good,” Nakamaru said, juggling the crumpled bags and soda cans. He nodded at the bed Kame had laid his stuff on. “That side was Yamashita’s.”
“We’ll let you get settled in,” Koyama said. “Aiba-chan and Oguri-kun should be home later and you can meet them then.”
Kame rubbed his face and sat down next to his bags. “Thanks.” When the door closed behind them, he took another look around the room. Just great, he thought. He really should’ve known better. Asking favors from Jin always came back to bite him in the ass.
After a few days, Kame admitted that his living situation could have been worse. Settling in was easy enough. He tidied up his side of the room and because he couldn’t stand it, fixed and rearranged the game controllers and consoles. He also swept the books and papers to one desk and claimed the other as his own, pushing it against his wall. His laptop was already out and set up on top of it. He unpacked his clothes and stuffed his baseball bats under his bed. He was extra careful with his Nikon camera case, sliding it next to the sports gear. His brothers had sent boxes of his other things later and Kame was slowly arranging the room to his liking, while not disturbing too much of what was already there.
The bonus room was big enough for two people to share. Plus that meant he paid a little less than what it would have been if he had one of the single bedrooms. Never mind that they were all taken anyway.
Aside from his roommate, Kame shared the house with four other men. Nakamaru and Koyama were graduate students, serious in their studies, but they both tended to talk a lot. Nakamaru was an attentive listener filled with all kinds of miscellaneous knowledge, while Koyama could just talk and talk… and talk. He loved asking questions and prompting conversations as well as taking care of other people. Back when they were both undergrads, Nakamaru and Koyama had been co-hosts for their university’s radio show. Somehow that wasn’t surprising to learn, they were that in-sync.
Masaki Aiba was a very cheerful, happy-go-lucky person just starting out at his position in a local daycare center. He was apparently great with kids and animals, which wasn’t hard to believe because he often seemed like a kid himself. His bedroom was on the second floor along with everyone else’s except for Shun, whose bedroom was the only one on the first floor. Oguri Shun kept busy juggling his internship at an independent film company and his part-time job at the local coffee shop. Kame only ever saw him sporadically, but when he did, Shun was there with a friendly smile and his own brand of wry humor.
Kame had hit it off almost right away with all of them, particularly Nakamaru, and they seemed like good people. Kame figured he could get over the whole messy roommate thing, depending on how well he got along with the actual person. He’d just have to wait and see.
Weirdly enough, it was the faint scent of cigarette smoke that woke him up and not the warm body nestled against him. Once he realized that he wasn’t dreaming, he scrambled away and shoved the person out of his bed. Hard.
Kame grabbed his baseball bat and groped around the wall for a lightswitch. Light flooded the room when he flipped the switch up. The first thing he saw was really, really bright blond hair.
“Who the hell are you?!” he said.
The stranger sat up, tangled in Kame’s blankets, and blinked up at him blearily. “What are you doing in my room?”
“Your room?” Kame lowered his bat. “Taguchi Junnosuke?”
“... yes?” He was all yawns and sleepy eyes and Kame was sure the twinge in his chest was irritation.
His wayward roommate stretched his arms and legs - and wow, they were really long - and yeah, that was definitely irritation. Junno didn’t wait for him to say anything and instead scooted over to one of the beanbag chairs, and laid his head on it.
Kame stared at him in disbelief. “You can’t sleep on the floor!”
Junno mumbled and turned over, and Kame was pretty sure he was going to wake up sore and aching all over. Him still being in jeans and a T-shirt wasn’t going to help either.
“Whatever,” Kame muttered. Determined not to care, he turned off the lights and stayed close to the wall to find his way back to the bed. Placing his bat under his pillow, he slipped under the blankets and closed his eyes.
“… ugh.” Kame threw off the covers and turned on the lamp. The dim light showed that Junno hadn’t moved at all.
Rolling his eyes, Kame went over to the other side of the room and pushed all Junno’s clothes off his bed. Then he nudged him with his foot, but Junno barely shifted. Kame sighed and bent down, slinging Junno’s arm over his shoulder. He lugged him over to his bed and then let Junno tumble onto it. He rolled towards the wall with a snore.
Kame ran a hand through his mussed hair, and decided then he had the worst luck when it came to roommates.
“Iriguchi, deguchi, Taguchi desu~!”
Kame burst out laughing. A few moments later, he realized everyone was staring at him except for Junno, who was grinning in very self-satisfied way, and Aiba, who looked a little giggly himself.
“Sorry, we always get a shock whenever that works nowadays,” Koyama said. He went back to buttering his toast.
“Point is that it still works,” Junno said. He winked at Kame and Kame almost smiled before he remembered he was supposed to be mad.
“Taguchi, in the future, can you stick to your side of the room? No more rude wake-up calls like last night,” he said.
“I sense a story,” Shun said, looking up from his day planner.
Junno waved his spoon dismissively. “It was just a little mix-up,” he said.
“A little mix-up? You were in my bed!”
Nakamaru choked on his cereal and Aiba pounded on his back.
Junno paused. “Wait. That wasn’t a dream?”
“What did you think I was talking about?” Kame asked.
“Me sleeping on the floor, and then you bringing me to bed.”
Shun’s eyes gleamed. “Oh?”
Nakamaru was coughing again somewhere in the background. “I moved him to his bed,” Kame said. “Sleeping in the clothes you wore all day is bad enough, but then add in sleeping on the floor…”
“Did you change his clothes for him too?”
Nakamaru wheezed.
Kame rolled his eyes and chose not to answer. Junno mumbled something to himself, not quite looking at him. “Is there a reason you smelled like smoke yesterday?” he asked.
“Billiards bar,” Koyama answered for him. “The smoke’s unavoidable.”
“I hate how it clings to your clothes.” Junno scrunched his nose. “I had to take an extra long shower this morning.”
Kame stopped all thoughts of Junno in the shower. “Well, I’m glad I don’t have to add ‘chain smoker’ to ‘likes to leave a mess’ on my list.”
“Your list?”
“What are you talking about? Sometimes I think he has OCD.”
“I don’t like to leave a mess,” Junno also protested in his own defense.
Kame gave Nakamaru and Koyama pointed looks. “It was actually pretty messy, Junno,” Koyama said. “It’s not like you to leave clothes everywhere.”
“Well, I was a last-minute replacement for a friend, and I had to catch up with the show. I didn’t really think, just started throwing in clothes.”
“And what about all the leftover junk food on the table?
“Junk food?” His eyebrows furrowed. “I wouldn’t leave trash like that lying around in my room. Can you imagine the ant disaster?” He shuddered. “Aside from the clothes and the - I admit it - messy desk, everything else was spotless. Unless…” Junno looked across the table at Aiba, who was glancing around everywhere but at him.
“… hmm?”
“Did Nino and Koki happen to come over while I was away?”
“Certain friends of mine are your culprits,” Junno said, nodding towards an abashed Aiba. “So, you think you can stop giving me the evil eye?”
Kame thought about it. “Can you not crawl into my bed at 2AM in the morning?”
“I’ll try.”
Kame kicked him in the shin.
“Ow! Okay, okay.” Junno put up his hands in surrender. “I won’t, I won’t, I swear.” He looked down, rubbed his shin, and muttered, “Even though it was really comfortable…”
Kame ignored the glances exchanged between their housemates at the other end of the table.
So, Junno wasn’t so bad after all. After their talk in the kitchen, he had straightened out his side of the room, pushing his desk against the wall next to his bookshelves. He also did a marathon round of laundry and offered to do some of Kame’s. He even noticed and thanked him for putting away the game consoles. Maybe Jin’s friend had been telling the truth. Junno had also adopted a ‘Kazuya’ habit, and Kame supposed he should be annoyed about that, but found he really didn’t mind.
The next few weeks of autumn had them all settling into a routine. Aiba and Shun went to work, Nakamaru and Koyama to school and work, and Junno sometimes to auditions and performances. They kept to their designated schedule for who did what chores, like cleaning up the yard or going to the market. Usually, it was left up to him or Junno since they weren’t as busy as the others.
It was driving Kame a little crazy not doing anything at all, but he reminded himself he needed this break or he really would go insane. The pressure at home and at the university had been getting to him before his brothers had finally taken notice and forced/persuaded him to take a semester off.
He missed Ran. His kaninchen Dachshund always made him feel better, but she was staying with his brother until he got settled in.
So it was a pleasant surprise one afternoon when he opened the door to his room to find Junno playing video games and Ran sitting on his back, watching the screen. Her head flicked toward the door when he came in, and she immediately barked in recognition. She scrambled over to him on her little paws.
“Ran!” He picked her up and hugged her close, laughing as she licked his face. “I missed you, girl. When did you get here, huh?”
“Your brother dropped her off this morning while you were out. He wanted it to be a surprise,” Junno said, smashing the controller buttons. “He was going to stay, but then something came up.”
“I’ll give him a call, then,” Kame said, taking out his cell phone. “Oh, I never got to ask you if you mind pets.”
“It’s cool,” he said. Junno looked over at Ran and smiled. “She’s so cute, anyway, I doubt I could say no even if I didn’t like pets.” He paused. “She is potty-trained, right?” He started feeling his back for any wet spots.
“Of course!” Kame laughed.
“Oh, okay. All clear then.” His head whipped back to the screen when he heard an explosion. “Crap!”
Kame hugged Ran close as she squirmed in his arms. “Thanks for being here, Junno,” he said. “Otherwise, I might have had to wait how long to get her.”
Junno tossed him an easygoing grin over his shoulder. “No problem, Kazuya.”
They made light conversation while Junno played his video games and Kame played with Ran. It felt sort of like home.
Kame lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling with the pastel-colored mural, and strummed the notes of one of his favorite songs on his guitar. Ran was curled up in a corner, watching him lazily.
“You can play the guitar?” Junno asked, delighted.
Kame started, not realizing his roommate had come back to the room.
“Why didn’t you say anything?” Junno grinned as if it was the best news he could have possibly discovered. He rummaged around through his shelves and pulled out a folder.
Kame accepted the music sheet when Junno handed it to him, still not getting up from his horizontal position. “What’s this?”
“Some music from a friend. You think you could play it?”
He studied the notes. “… I think so,” he said, sitting up. “Can you hold them up?”
Junno crossed his legs and sat on the floor in front of him, holding the lyrics out so Kame could look at them. It was a sweet melody, something right up Kame’s alley. He played the beginning and smiled when Junno whistled along to the introduction.
“Every morning I wake up to the same old life; In the sunlight, you’re in my arms~”
Kame stopped playing. “That’s not on here.”
Junno looked down sheepishly. “I’ve been trying to write lyrics to this,” he said, “for fun. Y’know, to experience the creative process.”
“Can I see?”
“Yeah, of course.” Junno took out more copies of the music, but this time, there were words written underneath the bars. There were only a few legible lines, everything else was scribbled or scratched out. From what Kame could make out, some of the discarded lines weren’t bad at all.
“Hmm…” Kame strummed the guitar again. “I don’t need anything special, so long as you’re smiling,” he sang from the sheet. There were some scrawls after it, but Kame continued with what popped into his head. “I'm anxious because I love you; when I open my eyes…” He stopped. “When I open my eyes…”
His roommate stared at him thoughtfully. “You ever think about performing?”
“Me? A performer?” Kame laughed. “I don’t think so.”
“Maybe in another life.”
A small smile touched the edges of his mouth. “Maybe.”
Junno looked from him to the music sheet and back again several times. “Hey, I don’t have any work this week - not unless I want to apply for Santa jobs, anyway - so… do you want to work on this together?”
Kame blinked.
Junno looked down and raised the music sheets in front of his face. “I mean, I really loved what you added just a minute ago, but if you’re too busy -”
“Busy? I wish,” Kame said. He glanced at the notes again and felt his muse stirring in the back of his head. “Yeah, sure. It could be fun.”
Kame pushed down the music sheet so he could see Junno’s face. “Really.”
The smile Junno beamed at him was the brightest he’d seen yet, and it was futile not to smile in return.
Working on the song together with Junno was the most fun Kame had in months.
Kame found out one cold winter morning that his housemates were crazy about Christmas. He came home from his turn at the market to find them all stringing popcorn together for a Christmas tree that had somehow appeared in the living room during the hour and a half he had been away.
“Kame-chan!” Aiba smiled at him from the floor. “Join us~”
“Ah, thanks for going to the market,” Koyama said. “Do you need help?” He was about to get up, but Kame waved him off.
“No, no, I got it,” he said. “You can keep on… stringing.”
“Hey, don’t knock it till you’ve tried it,” Junno said, showing off the long length of popcorn he had already finished.
After putting away the groceries, Kame wandered back into the living room and wondered if he really lived with five grown men, all of who were supposed to be older than him.
“Here, Kame,” Shun said, sliding one of three bowls of popcorn towards him on the coffee table. He was the only one sitting in a chair while the other four opted for the floor. “Get started.”
Nakamaru handed Kame a new spool of thread as he passed by on his way to the couch that no else had claimed. He looked around and saw they all had varying degrees of progress. Nakamaru and Koyama both had a steady pace going, chatting quietly as they strung each popcorn one by one. Aiba’s and Junno’s strings were shorter than the others’, but that probably had to do with the fact that they were playing with the popcorn as much as they were stringing it. They each tossed the popped kernels at each other and laughed when they caught it in their mouths. Shun had the longest garland so far. He sat back in his favorite armchair, nodding and chipping into the conversations when appropriate. Otherwise, he was completely engrossed in his task.
After Shun showed him how to start, Kame threaded a needle and poked Junno, who was sitting on the floor in front of him. “Where’s Ran?” he asked.
Junno pointed across the coffee table at Koyama, who raised his hand sheepishly. Kame peeked over and saw Ran curled up in Koyama’s lap, fast asleep. He chuckled, shaking his head. “Traitor.”
“She has good taste,” Junno said.
Kame jabbed Junno in the head and flicked a few popcorns into his now brown hair. Kame was still getting used to not seeing the blond, surprised that he actually sort of missed it.
“Are you sure it’s okay if she sleeps with me sometimes?” Koyama asked, looking a little guilty.
“It’s fine, don’t worry,” Kame said. “I can’t say I’m not jealous, but this just proves your irresistible charm.” He winked and Koyama blushed.
“Everyone loves Kei-chan,” Aiba said with a nod. He held up his string. “Should we have added cheese puffs?”
“… maybe next time,” Nakamaru replied. He glanced over at Ran and sighed. “I miss Mister and Choco.”
“The more the merrier,” Junno said, shrugging. “Why not bring them here?”
Nakamaru inspected his garland carefully. “My sisters would kill me,” he replied.
“Are you going home for Christmas?” Kame asked curiously. He was still debating on whether or not to spend the yen or if he should use it on presents and send those home instead.
“We’ll all be here actually,” Koyama answered instead. “We’re throwing a party - friends and families invited. Feel free to tell your parents and brothers, of course.”
“Don’t steal all the popcorn, Aiba!”
Kame looked up at Junno’s exclamation and the accused shook his head. “I’m not! It’s gone,” he said. “I’ll just make some more.”
Junno leaned back and laid his head on Kame’s knee. “Kazuya~ Feed me~” He opened his mouth.
“Don’t make me poke you with this needle.”
“You’re no fun,” he said. He closed his mouth with a pout.
Kame glanced at his lips. Then dumped his bowl of popcorn on Junno’s head.
“Hey, it’s snowing!”
That was all the warning Kame got before a ball of freezing cold smacked him in the back.
Koyama never looked up from where he was hanging stockings on the fireplace. “Not in the house, Aiba.”
Aiba emerged from the kitchen, holding whipped cream in one hand and a can of spam in the other. “It wasn’t me! I’m cooking.”
The snow seeped into the fabric of his T-shirt and Kame turned slowly to find Junno grinning from ear to ear by the sliding door.
“I would run, Taguchi,” Nakamaru said, turning to a new page of his newspaper.
If anything, Junno’s grin got even bigger. Kame took one step toward him and he bolted out to the backyard. Kame was glad he was wearing his boots. He grabbed his jacket from Shun as he raced after Junno.
“Thanks,” he called over his shoulder, but kept his target in his line of sight. He molded
some snow into a few balls and dodged the two snowballs Junno sent his way. The third one, however, caught him in the side of the head.
The cold dripped down the side of his face as he wiped his cheek. “You are so dead.”
“Dead-dead or undead-dead? And would I sparkle? Because that would suc-”
Kame tackled him. Junno wheezed as Kame fell on top of him. “Where the hell did you come from?” he croaked.
“You never pay attention when you ramble.”
Before Junno could recover, Kame stuffed snow down his jacket and Junno gasped, caught between laughing and shouting.
“Crap, that’s cold! Cold, cold, cold!” Junno tried to wiggle and get away, but Kame pinned him down firmly.
He leaned down. “You’re not going anywhere,” he said quietly.
Junno shivered.
“Damn, just kiss already.”
Kame looked up while Junno tilted his head back to see their housemates surrounding them. Kame wanted to wipe the smirk off Shun’s face.
“You’re under the mistletoe!” Aiba exclaimed, holding the tiny sprig over their heads. “Kkkkkkiiiiisssssssss.”
Some sense returned to Kame and he stood up. “We’re both guys!”
“Junno doesn’t care about that,” Shun said in an almost bored tone, though his eyes were twinkling with mirth.
Kame paused. “You don’t?”
Junno shook his head. “I don’t.” He stood up jerkily and it was the first time since they had worked on their song that Kame had seen him nervous.
Aiba tapped his foot. “This is a sacred -”
“I don’t know about sacred -”
“- mistletoe rule. If you don’t follow through, I’m afraid the consequences could be dire.”
Kame’s lips twitched up. “Dire?”
“Yes, dire. Like all your hair products disappearing.”
“I really wouldn’t want anything to happen to your hair products,” Junno said solemnly.
Someone snorted in the background, but then Junno was leaning forward and Kame was forgetting the cold and wet and everything else around him. His lips were a bit chapped, but everything else was soft and warm and really, kind of perfect. Junno pulled away first, but couldn’t resist another quick press to his lips before he stepped back.
With his cheeks stained red, heart pounding and his roommate standing across from him looking ten kinds of anxious and charming, Kame finally realized he was in trouble.
Nakamaru found him on the balcony. He leaned next to him on the railing, bundled up in his winter clothes with a knitted scarf around his neck. They just rested there for a while, neither of them saying anything.
“… he’s an idiot.”
“Sometimes, yes,” Nakamaru agreed.
“But he’s also sort of wonderful.”
Nakamaru nodded. “That’s true, too,” he said.
Kame glanced over to see the profile of his friend’s smile and groaned. “I thought it was just some shallow crush or something.”
“It’s not?”
“Maybe,” he said tentatively. He thought of bright smiles and warm lips, of laughter that could fill him up to the brim, almost like his heart could overflow with it.
“I think the two of you deserve the chance to find out what that ‘maybe’ can turn into,” Nakamaru replied, blowing and watching his breath appear in tiny clouds. “Don’t you?”
“… uya…”
Kame shifted on his mattress, brows furrowing. There was a feather-light touch along his jaw, and he batted at the offending object disrupting his sleep.
He groaned, the last tendrils of sleep clinging to him as he rubbed his face.
“Kazuya,” the voice said, a bit more insistently. “Time to wake up.”
One eye cracked open and he made out the hazy figure of his roommate. “What are you doing on my bed?”
“Waking you up.” Junno’s hand slid down his thigh.
Kame went very, very still and managed a small squeak. “Taguchi…”
“I tried to think of a better way to wake you up…”
“And this is what you came up with?” He stared at him, caught in between equal amounts of incredulity, amusement and outrage. “I’m going to ki-” He broke off into a moan.
Junno’s gaze roved over his face, like he wanted to record every little detail of Kame’s reaction. “I’m sorry, what was that?”
“This isn’t, it’s not -” Kame was finding it hard to think straight, and there was a hint of a smirk on Junno’s lips - tiny and barely there - but it sent a surge of heat spiraling through him. “What the hell are you playing at, Taguchi?”
Junno cut him off with a kiss - open-mouthed, hard and hot and not at all like the gentle exchange from a few days prior. “It’s Junno,” he said against his lips.
Kame clutched Junno’s shoulder, half off the bed with one elbow on the mattress, dizzy with desire and passion and want.
“Say my name, Kazuya,” Junno murmured into his ear.
“Ju- Junnosuke…” He tangled his fingers in Junno’s hair.
He rewarded him with another bruising kiss. “Kazuya,” Junno breathed.
Kame gasped, eyes shooting open. Junno was standing over him, hands on his shoulders in a light, gentle touch.
“Kazuya?” His tall roommate stared down at him with eyes wide and worried, empty of the hunger and need that was currently thrumming through Kame’s body. “You okay? It sounded like you were having a nightmare.”
Say my name, Kazuya.
Kame sat up and reached out, tracing the curve of Junno’s jaw. “Not a nightmare,” he said, “Junno.”
Junno’s eyes widened and Kame pulled on his hand. Junno followed and sat beside him, but couldn’t stop staring and Kame had to guide him forward the last few inches to press his lips against his. The same exciting thrill from before crackled down his spine when Junno finally started kissing back.
He nipped at Junno’s neck, smiling when he made the taller man moan. Junno yanked him back up for another deep kiss and Kame pushed him so that he fell backwards on the bed.
Stretching out on top of him and running his hands down his body, Kame had every intention of bringing his dream to life.
“Merry Christma- ohmygod, my eyes!”
Kame woke up to the strange sound of a cross between a shriek and a squeak. He sat up, rubbing his eyes, and glared through his blurry vision at a scandalized Aiba. “Learn to knock,” he snapped. An arm sneaked around his waist from behind and suddenly troublesome friends was the last thing on his mind.
Junno’s drowsy voice was slightly muffled against his hair. “Again, Aiba?”
Their bubbly bordering on crazy housemate peeked at them between his fingers. “How was I supposed to know one kiss was enough to get you guys going?! You’re ahead of The Plan!”
Kame brushed past the revelation that he was the subject of some kind of matchmaking scheme, and instead zeroed in on one word. “Again? What do you mean again?” he asked, looking back suspiciously.
Junno brushed a lock of Kame’s hair back. “Jealous?”
He snorted and crossed his arms, not about to be done in by Junno’s sleepy smile. “As if,” he said.
“You guys are really cute.”
Kame turned back towards the door to find the rest of their housemates crowded around Aiba. Nakamaru was at the back, turned away and muttering to himself with his eyes closed. Koyama had a hand around his mouth, but Kame had a feeling it was more to cover up a smile rather than shock. Shun leaned against their door and didn’t even bother to hide his knowing grin.
“What are you doing?” he asked, torn between amusement and disbelief.
“Being voyeurs.” Shun waggled his eyebrows. “Better us than the party guests.”
Kame’s scowl melted when Junno pressed his face against his shoulder. He could feel Junno’s whole body shake with suppressed laughter, and warmth seemed to fill him from the inside out, not unlike hot chocolate on a cold winter’s day. He reached behind him and curled his fingers in Junno’s hair.
“They’re totally going to do it again!” Aiba squealed.
Kame turned his head and met Junno’s laughing eyes. A corner of his lip curved up. He didn’t even glance at his housemates as he said, “Nakamaru?”
His friend sighed. “Yeah, I got it.” Sounds of shuffling and some protesting reached his ears. “All right, all right, let’s go. Breakfast is getting cold, and I need to somehow unsee what I just saw. Anybody give me bleach for Christmas?”
The door closed on the guys talking over each other with a couple “I told you so”s and one “You owe me five thousand yen!”
Before Kame could comment, Junno grabbed his chin and tugged him forward for a long, sweet kiss that somehow heightened and dulled his senses all at once. When Junno finally pulled away and with his heart doing flip-flops in his chest, Kame asked, “What was that for?”
He grinned, and Kame was secretly pleased he was breathless. “Mistletoe.”
Junno pointed and Kame looked up. A burst of laughter escaped when he saw that a sprig of the holiday plant, complete with red ribbon, was hanging on a string from the ceiling. “When did you put that up there?”
“Before you started moaning in your sleep,” he said. Kame felt his cheeks grow hot and Junno chuckled. “Aiba wasn’t the only one with a plan. I wanted an excuse to kiss you again.”
Kame wrapped his arms around Junno’s neck and pulled him close, murmuring against his lips, “You don’t need one.” He let out another startled laugh when Junno collapsed on the bed and hugged him close.
“Best present ever.”