Applying for TV Studio Audience Participation

Sep 06, 2009 07:56

There are two ways to find out about TV show tapings.

The first is through the FC emails that you periodically get.
The second is by checking the FC homepage.

To access the list of TV studio audience applications,

From the home page, scroll down to this area and click on 番組協力 to be taken to the TV Studio Audience main menu.

The next page will look like this.

This lists all of the TV Studio Audience applications available.

Dictionary of Terms

 (shutsuen) Performer

 (boshuu bangumi) recruiting TV show

 (housoukyoku) broadcasting station
) (shuuroku chiiki) filming region * this is usually 東京 (Tokyo) or 大阪 (Osaka).

 (shimekiri) deadline for application

 (happyo) announcement of ballots

 (shuuroku yotei hi) tentative date of filming

 (moushikomi houhou) method of application
[必須]  this means it is required information

click on 詳細 (shosai; details) to get to the information page of the particular filming you are interested in.

*NOTE: You are only allowed to apply for filmings of members of your Fan Club unless otherwise mentioned in a FC Email.

Once you click on 詳細 a new window will pop up with A LOT of Japanese.

Here is an example (Using the application for Shonen Club).
【Application Qualifications】  
Exclusive for You & J Fan Club Members and Johnny's Jr. Information Center Members
Accompanying person must also be a You & J Member or Johnny's Jr. Information Member.
If you are a member of both fan clubs, please choose only one to apply with.
If you apply with both of your memberships, your applications will become invalid.※9月12日(土)13:00以降当選者全員での応援練習・引換に参加必須。(約1時間30分) 参加出来ない方のお申込み不可。
Those who cannot attend a practice for the show on 9/12 (Saturday) after 13:00 (practice will take about 1 hour and 30 minutes) please do not apply.※引換日・当日は下記3点が必要です。【すべて原本】を忘れずにお持ちください。
On the day of ticket distribution and on the filming day, you need the following three things.  Please do not forget to bring 【すべて原本】(means all real things, NO copies).
Also, if you do not have any of the following 【必要なもの】(required items) when applying, please do not apply.
Those who do not have these items but apply anyways and hit may not participate in the balloted event, will not be chosen for the next application rounds.  
Please make sure that all people on the application have all required
items before applying.
【Required Items】

     Fan Club membership card(actual card)

     A photo ID with the address registered to your FC membership on it (actual card)

     Member exclusive Item (only for You & J members, no copies)
    Bring one of the following
                 The label from the envelope that your FC or Concert information was sent in.
                 Membership Fee bank transfer receipt (4,000 only, no new membership
Time of Gathering: 16:00 (planned)

【メール受付】【Applying through Mail】
 To those wishing to apply through the BOX (at the Family Club in Shibuya) or Post, please make sure to have applied for that previous to this application. 重複申込みとなり、全て無効となります。
Multiple applications will result in all applications becoming void.※代表者・同行者を入れ替えてのお申込みも重複申込みとなります。
Swapping Representative with Accompanying person and applying twice will result in void applications.  (Example: person A registers for
A as the rep. and B as the accom., then B registers as B for
the rep. and A as the accomp..)※PCからお申込みの方はPCのメールアドレスを、携帯からお申込みの方は携帯のメールアドレスを登録してください。
If registering from your PC, please use a PC email address, and if registering from a cell phone, please enter a cell phone email address. 正しく登録していただかないと、抽選結果が届かない場合がありますので、ご注意ください。抽選結果が届かない場合当選無効となります。
If you do not enter all of your information correctly, there is a chance that the results may not be sent to you, so please be careful.  If you
were not able to recieve your ballot results, the result will be void
regardless of the fact that you hit or not.※フリーメール(無料で取得できるメールアドレス) へは、配信できない場合があります。あらかじめご了承ください。
Free mail (email addresses that do not require any payment to register) cannot be used.  Please be careful.※
Once you apply, you may not change any information.  Please do not change your email address during the application period.
Those who cannot attend a practice for the show on 9/12 (Saturday) after 13:00 (practice will take about 1 hour and 30 minutes) please do not apply.
【受付期間】【Application Period】9月7日(月)昼11:59まで 
Until 9/7 (Monday) Noon 11:59※受付期間をよくご確認の上、お申込みください。
 Please apply after carefully checking the Application Period●PCご利用 >お申込みはこちらから
  Go here for the application.●携帯ご利用の方(QRコードは下)へ
 To those using your cell phone (The QR Code is below) >※ This is the QR code you can use to access the application through your cell phone's camera if you registered to the FC with your cell phone address
(as most people do because yahoo, gmail, hotmail, and other free mail
sites are not able to recieve mails from Johnnys)

If you try to access this page previous or following the Application Period,  「ページが存在しません。」(The page does not exist.) will show up.※当選メールは「」より配信されます。
If you are chosen, you will recieve a mail from "" メール受信拒否設定をされている方は、「」ドメインより配信される
please make sure your email settings allows you to receive emails from "" メールが受信できるように、ご自身で設定をお願いいたします。
Please take the effort to be able to receive the mails from here. (@前部分は非公開となっております。ご了承ください。)
(the content before the @ mark will depend on the event.)  【申込人数制限】【Maximum Members for One Application】4名
4 People【抽選結果案内】【Lottery Results Information】当選者にはメールにて9月9日(水)に配信予定。
Those chosen will recieve an email on 9/9 (Wed)
Those who were not chosen will not receive an email.
【"Participation Confirmation" Mail Response Deadline】
From the time the Chosen email is sent until 9/10 (Thursday) 10:00 (you usually have 24 hours to send this email back)
※参加確認メールの返信がない場合は、参加不可・次回より番組協力への抽選対象外となります。 かならずお申込みいただいたメールアドレス(当選メールを受信したアドレス)にて返送を行ってください。
If you do not send a  "Participation Confirmation" mail to the address provided in the "Chosen" mail, you may not participate in the chosen event and will not be chosen for the
next application rounds. You must send the "Participation Confirmation" from your FC registered email. (the email that the "Chosen" mail was sent to and not from an accompanying
person's email address.)
All members attending must come to the Family Club anytime on or after 13:00 on 9/12 (Saturday) to receive your tickets and practice for the filming. (Do not forget to bring the required items)
There are a few basic ways to apply for these shows. Here are samples of the different application processes.

Applying By BOX   1) 会報が送られてきた時の封筒のラベルのコピー(縮小・拡大コピーは不可)に
On a copy of your FC envelope label write:

Birthdate (Year Month Day)


Phone number, home and cell phone

Favorite member

Time you can participate on the day of filming

参加人数 Number of people attending を記入する。 2) 顔写真付きの身分証明書のコピー
A copy of a photo ID with the address you registered with. 3) 承諾書
you need to print a copy of this if you are younger than 20 years old with a parental consent.
※ 未成年の方はかならず承諾書が必要となります。 ※ 承諾書添付の必要はありませんが、20歳以上でも学生の方は、かならず保護者の方の承諾を得てお申込みください。

Application Details
Please have 1) 〜 3) on half a B5 sized paper.  Staple everything on the top left corner, and drop it in the appropriate BOX at the Family Club.

Multiple applications なし  2人以上で申し込む時は人数分をまとめてホッチキスでとめてください。
not possible.  If there is more than one person applying, please staple ALL MEMBERS information together.

Information on Hitting
Please refer to the BOX at the FC for details on the date and time of notification.

Applying by Mail   ※ファミリークラブ内にBOXは出ませんのでご注意ください。
  Warning, there will be no BOX at the Family Club. ● 往復ハガキ
Postcard     <往信裏面>
Blank Side 参加者全員分の会員証明書バーコード部分のコピー(縮小・拡大不可)を貼り、下記事項を参加者全員分ご記入ください。
Copy  all info from the BarCode area of every member, attach it, and write all information below:


FC Member Numbers


Zip Code


Phone number (home and cell phone)

Birthdate (year month day)  

favorite member

number of people participating.       を記入する。

For non-member participants, please answer


Please use the Representative (your) address

number of participants を記入する。

Address to send the Postcard to: 〒150-8550 ジャニーズファミリークラブ 「10月(参加希望日)日収録 あほやねん!すきやねん!」番組協力係 10月16日(金)必着!
Must arrive on 10月16日(金)
different from the post mark date, so be careful!

The Application online:

Filming locationテレビ朝日(東京)
TV Asahi (Tokyo)
Filming day10月17日(土)
※集合時間が未定の為、終日参加可能な方のみお申込みください。(3)参加人数 [必須]
Number of people applying
選択してください1名2名3名4名 (4人まで一緒にお申込みができます)
You may apply for up to four people.  (usually all four people have to be members unless otherwise written).

Representative (Your information)
  The representative must be in the FC in order to apply.
   Please fill out EVERY question from (1)〜(9)
Things written with 必須 are required areas.  If any are left blank, your application will be void.

(1)ファン区分 [必須] Fan Club (This is the one letter, like A for Arashi, Y for You&J, etc.)
※Jr.情報局会員限定です。This tells you what FC members can apply.  The bold purple writing will change depending on the FC and event.

(2)会員番号 [必須]  Input your FC ID number. 
※会員番号下6桁を入力してください。This means only enter the last 6 digits (usually omitting the first two zeros that most FC IDs have)
※会員番号下8桁を入力してください。This means to enter your ENTIRE FC ID number

(3)氏名 [必須] Your name EXACTLY how it is written on your FC membership.  If you don't remember, log-in to johnny's-net and copy and paste it from your homepage.

(4)Jr.情報局に登録してある電話番号 [必須]
Phone number that is registered to your FC membership.

Cell phone number
  (持っていない人は(4)と同じ番号) [必須]
those who do not have one (or it's the same as (4)) please enter the same number used in (4).

6)メールアドレス [必須]
email address
If you are selected, your mail will be delivered to this address.  Please make sure you enter it correctly.
Please re-enter your email address for confirmation.

7)性別 [必須]
男 male
女 female

Birthdate.  (Please use 4 digit year system)
   (例:19○○年○○月○○日) [必須]
     (ex: year month day)

(9)年齢 [必須]

The person going with you's information
you must fill this out for each person going with you.  The information needed should be the same as the info you had to fill out, minus the email address.

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