Title: His Way of Love Author: thawrecka Fandom: Nobuta wo Produce Pairing: Koji/OFC Rating: PG Summary: Koji deals with the perplexing problems of first love. Original story: Love is by asinful
This is so cute, I could just die of it! Dear, dear Anon-san! How amazing are you! Never in my wildest dreams did I think someone was going to write Koji/girl fic out of this. I'm so very pleased that you did, it's just so precious. :)
Koji didn't want to be the kind of guy who'd let down a girl in need.
So cute! I really love Koji in the drama--he's such a normal kid, but also smart and insightful and adorably bratty in the way kids are when you don't have to take care of them yourself. :-) It's great to see a story from his perspective. I especially liked his reflections on Akira and Shuuji and his father, which both fit their drama characterizations and cast them in a new light.
Comments 4
So cute! I really love Koji in the drama--he's such a normal kid, but also smart and insightful and adorably bratty in the way kids are when you don't have to take care of them yourself. :-) It's great to see a story from his perspective. I especially liked his reflections on Akira and Shuuji and his father, which both fit their drama characterizations and cast them in a new light.
Thank you for running this challenge and giving me the opportunity to do so. :D
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