Title: Forever
ilanabean42Fandom: Nobuta wo Produce
Pairing: Shuuji/Nobuta
Rating: PG
Summary: But while he hasn't grown up a lot, Akira has learned that believing something doesn't always make it true.
Original story:
Lost and Found by
jain (
Forever )
Comments 2
I really love seeing Akira's perspective on Shuuji's and Nobuta's relationship. When I was writing the original story, I kept thinking of him in the series saying that he cared for their happiness more than his own, and, while that's a lovely idea, it doesn't have much in the way of depth. Your story provides an insightful view of Akira; I could really see him growing into this sort of a man, and the choices he makes here are both bittersweet and something to be proud of.
Finally, Akira stops laughing. He does know that Shuuji as bad at this, at being honest about what he wants and at not worrying too much about other people.
Oh, Shuuji. That's just perfect and heartbreaking, that he can't help but act that way even with Nobuta, and how wonderful is it that because he is in a relationship with her, Akira's able to ( ... )
I'm glad you liked it. I always ship platonic OT3 above all else, so I wanted to come at your fic from that kind of angle.
Thank you for organizing this exchange! It was a bit scary, but it turned out to be fun in the end.
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