Title: R.S.V.P. Author: jain Fandom: Nobuta wo Produce Pairing: Shuuji/Akira Rating: G Summary: Shuuji and Akira find ways to keep in touch. Original story: Akira Power by peroxidepest17
Eeee, thanks so much for this! I always have trouble writing Shuuji in a way that doesn't feel ridiculously boring to me, which is why he gets the short end of things in a lot of my fic, because of the problems he gives me. He gets glossed over a lot in lieu of Akira, Akira, Akira, so it was nice to see this from his end too, because I certainly didn't consider that maybe he was having a hard time while Akira was dealing with this when I wrote the original.
I am not a very sneaky remixer, this is true. (It was an interesting experience remixing a story that you'd written for me, but it's the one that pinged me, so I just went with it.) Sorry I couldn't do one of your MBMH stories, and I'm glad you enjoyed this remix, despite that.
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