Fic: Nosce Te Ipsum

Oct 19, 2009 19:56

Title: Nosce Te Ipsum - Know Thyself
Author: mornincamper
Summary: Jack’s determined to re-introduce Daniel to Daniel - and himself
Word Count: 2,569
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Only mine in my heart, certainly not in my wallet.
Written For: Limerancelove
Prompt:  Requirements:1. romance 2. established relationship
Optional Request: AU of "Fallen" where Daniel refuses to leave Vis Uban and Jack stays with him to help him remember himself...and Jack. Restrictions: No Jonas, No Schmoop.
Notes: What a wonderful prompt! Many thanks to my writee for the inspiration. To Lilyleia78 for blindingly fast beta with much appreciated squee (and apologies for any post-beta futzing), and to Stagnation13 for her unfailing encouragement and inimitable style (and crackers). Oh, yeah, and to melayneseahawk for the graciously granted extension - and all her admirable efforts this year.

Nosce Te Ipsum on my DW

author:mornincamper, ficathon_vi, writtenfor:limerencelove, genre:romance, rating:pg-13, season:7

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