Fic: Still Waters

Oct 15, 2009 10:49

Title: Still Waters
Author: Lokei
Summary: Daniel went to the Black Sea to plumb its mysteries. This season, however, not all of those mysteries are ancient.
Word Count: 19,450
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: The Stargate characters from which these iterations sprang are not mine.
Written For: jai_takes_over
Prompt: copious use of a foreign language in dialogue (preferably French or German), AU
Notes: Many thanks to the ever gracious princessofg, who did a glorious last minute beta on this behemoth. All French sections are translated at the end of each paragraph, and all mistakes in said foreign dialogue are to be laid at the doorstep of my rustbucket French.

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Given the events that followed, it was somehow fitting that the stranger’s appearance was heralded by a commotion and shrouded in secrets.

It was the polyglot of shouting that drew Daniel’s attention away from the chart for the day’s survey area. His team spoke a total of around a dozen languages between them, but generally managed to communicate in two or three.

Daniel put his hand up to shade his eyes against the bright Black Sea sun and looked to Mirré to find out what was actually happening. The big African cupped his hands around his mouth and bellowed up the deck towards him.

“Doctor Jackson! Il y a un homme dans la mer!” [[There’s a man in the sea !]]

“Dear God,” Daniel muttered, quickly looking over the starboard side.

“Man overboard!”

Continued at my fic journal here:
Part One
Part Two

writtenfor:jai_takes_over, ficathon_vi, genre:action/adventure, author:lokei, rating:pg-13, genre:au, genre:first_time

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