AT DREAMWIDTH. This is a mirror of the signup post there. You will be able to post your finished fic on any platform you prefer, but we are keeping signups in one place this year. Thanks! :-D
Sign-Ups Are Open: 17 May - 7 June 2015
Assignments Out: 11 June 2015
Stories Due: 26 July 2015
After Party: Complementary Fanworks (With Fic Author Permission) Due: 7 Sep 2015
So, how does this work?
~ Comment
AT DREAMWIDTH to sign up. You don't have to have a Dreamwidth account to comment. Assignments will be sent out via e-mail. Stories will be due 26 July 2015. However, if you finish early, you can post and we'll leave your story in the moderation queue until the day the ficathon opens.
~ Keep your assignment secret until the deadline. We do suggest you get a beta. Options for getting a beta will be covered in a future post, or you can email or message the admins at any time with these questions.
~ If you have any questions about your assignment, contact
princessofgeeks or
paian, not the person you're writing for.
~ Stories must be at least 1000 words, but there is no upper limit.
~ Feel free to post your story here, or post your story somewhere else and post here with a link to it. More details about posting will be up closer to the deadline.
~ Join your preferred comm on Dreamwidth or Livejournal if you are planning on posting your fic there. Sign-ups will also be accepted from non-members if you are planning on posting only at Archive or Our Own. All members have immediate posting access; posting is moderated so that the fic will all go live the same day.
After Party
This year, we are adding an After Party for complementary fanworks, to allow people who create fanworks other than fanfic to participate! All fanfic writers who sign up for the ficathon will be asked whether they give permission for other artists to create related fanworks, after the stories have posted.
Fan artists of all types are encouraged and urged to take a look at the signup comments and note which fan writers have given permission for complementary works to be posted during the After Party.
The deadline for these complementary works is 7 Sept. 2015.
To announce your complementary work for the After Party, join the J/D ficathon community on DW, and then post to the community with a link to your work. Please include the title and author of the fanfic to which your work is related (and include the link if possible). If you need help joining, or prefer to limit your participation to Livejournal, please contact the admins, so that we can announce your fic for you on DW or link to it in the AO3 collection.
Crossposting Policy for Fic
~ Please sign up to write a fic once, on Dreamwidth.
~ Stories may be hosted on Livejournal, Dreamwidth, Archive of Our Own, or any other website. Stories may be hosted on more than one site, but please provide all links. We are planning an AO3 collection for the 2015 ficathon; details will be announced as they become available.
~ You may announce your story anywhere you post.
~ Once posting has begun, a Master Post of all stories will be created and posted to Livejournal and Dreamwidth, so no matter where you post, everyone will be able to see it.
Defaulting, Dropping, and Extensions:
~ If you drop out without emailing princessofgeeks at hotmail dot com, you will be banned from participation for the following year.
~ If you need more time to finish, simply let us know. There will be a reasonable deadline for late fic, after which a pinch hitter will be recruited to write for your recipient. If something comes up and you can't complete the ficathon, just let us know in advance of the deadline, so your recipient will get a fic from someone!.
For the after party, there is no signup necessary. Post an announcement of your work by the deadline in the DW community. That's it. A master post of complementary fanworks created for the After Party will be posted to the DW community after the deadline.
Sign-Up Form
Here is the sign-up form for fic. You can specify two things that MUST be in your story, and one optional thing that you'd like to be in your story. This year we are adding an IMPORTANT question: Are you willing for someone to create related fanwork(s) for your story for the After Party? You must answer YES or NO to this question. If you leave that out, the mods will hound you for an answer!
Your two requirements should be limited to items from this list:
a prompt, which might be a setting (examples: "an ice planet at night", "a plane trip to D.C.", "the Land of Light"), an object (ex.: "a letter", "a dog", "a new car"), a line of dialogue (ex.: "And then I shot her!"), and so on.
an episode or season: for example, "Beneath the Surface" or "season 5"
a genre: action/adventure, angst, established relationship, first time, humor, hurt/comfort, schmoop, UST, smarm, etc.
a rating: for our purposes, following the MPAA system, so G through NC-17
For your optional request, you can be as specific as you like (e.g., "Jack and Daniel are stranded on an ice planet and Teal'c and Vala come to the rescue, but only after Jack tells Daniel a deep dark secret"), but keep in mind that the writer won't be obligated to include that request in your story. The following things are very difficult to match up, and thus, should be under optional requests only: het, underage sex, mpreg, non-con, and a major focus on other characters.
Restrictions should be things you absolutely don't want in your story. You can specify up to two.
If you only want to fill out the requirement field, that's fine; you don't have to specify optional requests or restrictions. You must answer the question regarding additional fanworks for the After Party.
As for the assignment you'll receive: please specify the maximum rating you'll write. You can write an actual rating here, or just "I'll write anything," "no sex whatsoever," "fade to black only," and so on. You can also list up to three specific things you won't write. If you've only seen up to a certain season, haven't seen earlier seasons, haven't seen the movie, etc., please make sure to note that, so we don't accidentally match you up with a season-specific request you can't write.
Note: If you list more than three things you won't write, only the first three will be weighed; if you list more than two requirements, only the first two will be passed on to your author. (We apologize if that sounds overly restrictive, but please stick to the limits.)
Your comment should look like this:
Two (2) Requirements:
Optional Request:
Restriction #1:
Restriction #2:
Maximum rating you'll write:
You won't write (#1):
You won't write (#2):
You won't write (#3):
Do you give permission for another fan artist to make a work related to your fic for the After Party? (This may include such works as podfic, art, crafts, a vid, a remix or other fanfic of your fanfic, etc.): Yes or No?
Will you pinch hit? (This means being willing to be called on to write a fic to a certain prompt in the place of a writer who has defaulted, and to finish by a given deadline.) Yes or No?
For an example of a finished sign-up form, see
the first comment on the Dreamwidth post.
Questions? Feel free to e-mail princessofgeeks at hotmail dot com. Comments are disabled here so that we don't get accidental signups here in confusion. You can also message
paian, in which case please leave extra time for a response.