Prompts: 2 May - 15 May
Posting: 16 May - 30 June
This year, the Prompt-a-thon will have a Summer and Bronze/Pottery theme. You are not required to use these themes when suggesting prompts. Prompts should consist of words, phrases, scenarios, song lyrics, images...Let your imagination run wild!
So, how does this work?
~ This post will be used to collect prompts. On 16 May, a full list of prompts will be made available, but you are welcome to start writing beforehand if a prompt strikes your fancy.
~ You may prompt even if you do not intend to write. You may write even if you do not intend to prompt. And of course, you are welcome to do both!
~ Starting 16 May, you may begin posting stories to the comm. Write as many as you like, no word count minimums or maximums.
~ Feel free to post either in the comm, or somewhere else and link to it.
~ You need to join the comm if you are planning on participating. All members have immediate posting access; posting will be unmoderated during the posting period.
~ On 1 July, a masterpost of all the fic will be posted.
Dreamwidth Policy
jd_ficathon is now on Dreamwidth! Feel free to advertise your fic in both comms. The masterpost will collect all the fic from both comms.
Questions? Feel free to e-mail
melayneseahawk at melayneseahawk[at]gmail[dot]com.