Title: grace my body with your hands
Rating: pg
Pairing: fujikita
Summary: kitayama has wonderful hands, small and delicate fingers that capture fujigaya's attention
Notes: by now all of you should know ri gets me to try to write almost anything. i sent this in an email to her since i'm still not familar with writing kisumai
kitayama had smooth hands, fujigaya noted as he watched the elder cut a series of vegetables for dinner. his fingers delicate and a bit round. kitayama was a bit short, softer than most at the same age, but he didn't mind. it was kitayama's round soft face that fujigaya liked, at the moment he was more interested in his fingers though. the way the held the knife elegantly, clean cuts through the vegetables completely avoiding catching his other hand in the knife's path.
he wonders what those fingers would feel like against his skin. drawing lines along his face, down his neck, across his chest--"kitayama." he says getting the other's attention.
kitayama looks up curiously, "hm?"
instead of answering fujigaya stands and removes kitayama's hands from the counter top ignoring the knife still being clutched in his hand. this was supposed to an innocent dinner between friends. though, dinner with fujigaya is usually anything but innocent. he's always been a bit attracted to kitayama anyway, now is a better time than any. pulling him by the waist they are now standing mere inches apart, fujigaya looking down, his fringe tickling kitayama's face until he leans his face down and kisses him. the knife clatters down onto the counter top.