I'm sitting/lying on my couch, with a princess blanket on and my laptop sitting on top. The house is empty, and outside is dark and grey and perfect weather for snuggling. My parents are away for the weekend, on an executive retreat for the weekend. Dad's such a cutie, he sent me a message before explaining there wasn't much coverage at the
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Comments 18
i love this weather. ^^
and i have A LOT more music than just Rooney and Opera.. Like
Elisa and Death Cab for Cutie and the Cat Empire AND Coldplay and much much more =]
Ugh my holidays are about to come to an end! =[
Im sooo soo so not looking forward to it. Mainly because im going to have to ditch you and b for study somehow... gah so much to do.
I'm sure i can resist if i really tried. Maybe.
Your parents are so cute/awesome. Your Mum always cracks me up.
Oh! And if my perpetual state of laughter and snorting while I'm around you is not enough proof that you DO amuse other people then I don't know what is.
Sooo blessed you got to be home alone.
Mum and Dad went away that weekend too for a wedding in NSW but we had the whole crew to look after. :p They were pretty good though. We basically sat and internetted and ate and slept and watched movies all weekend. I needed it and it was lovely. We should have joined forces. :p
Frankie forum is enjoyable to read is it not?! What's your 'username'? (I'm having trouble remembering mine. Whoops)
Montville my dear one, Montville! What are you up to this weekend?
Am getting a Flickr.
I reckon this INL campaign is working quite nicely if I do say so myself. :)
I need new icons.
This weekend? Saturday, I am free. I think. I should be.
Frankie forum IS very enjoyable. I forget mine too.. will tell you when I remember it, lol..
Yay for you getting Flickr, you can hound me to upload more often and I you.
Montville this weekend, oh please yes. And also, I have NO idea why I said Danielle's post was wrong, I think I meant long..
Yes, it is. Ha, my mum does? How?
I'll win, we'll come. Yay! It's a brilliant brilliant plan. Let me just get his OK and we should DEFINITELY do it. That would be so, so fun. If all goes well and our parents give it the nod, which station do you want us girls to come in at?
No, I had this awesome arts/icons community I found that I got them from.. it just closed though. May make my own soon.
She is gorgeous huh?! The clip was a lot of cheesy build up for a mole hill ending but it was cute. lol
I loved her accent, she's pretty good at it too. :)
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