icontest dump

Apr 04, 2008 00:04

Some icons from the last four icontests I've entered


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hector, marty, elizabeth swann, potc, pintel and ragetti, captain jack sparrow, barbossa, norrington, will turner, gibbs

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Comments 10

midnighticons68 April 4 2008, 04:24:38 UTC
great icons! congrats on all your wins. :)
and love the new layout.


jcampfan25 April 4 2008, 05:11:06 UTC
Thanks! :D


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jcampfan25 April 4 2008, 05:16:34 UTC
Thanks! :D

and again...thanks...that's part of the reason it took me so long to post icons from that week..I've been waiting on the banners.


aye_seaturtle April 4 2008, 12:46:54 UTC
These icons are gorgeous! And the header is lovely too! :D

Congrats on all the wins! :)


jcampfan25 April 4 2008, 13:13:26 UTC
Thanks! :D


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jcampfan25 April 4 2008, 23:28:13 UTC
Thanks very much! :D


mrgentlemanman April 4 2008, 20:00:52 UTC
Wow! These are awesome! Congrats on the wins! #14 is incredible!

Oh, and is the one guys name really Marty? Lol, I had no idea he even had a name.


jcampfan25 April 4 2008, 23:30:34 UTC
Thanks! :D

and yes it is...I know it's mentioned in AWE.


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