waah! i know. The good thing is that it rained finally. I was getting sick of it being humid and NOT raining. But waaah! JB hates thunderstorms! ;o; I was so freaked out! (and I had to turn off my computer...)
Actually there are parts of LA that are pretty (the very very expensive areas, but hey, they exist!) But no seriously. Come to Vegas and drive around the town (not the Strip) and you'll see what I mean by Cali being pretty). It's ugly down here! No, if I moved anywhere it'd be Glendale or Burbank (where I'm originally from), those towns are very peaceful and pretty. Glendale is really nice! I'd like to move in with my aunt for a few years there.
Well, my dad works in Burbank so I see it alot, and I dunno, LA is very green with irrigation and such- and again I'm sure MUCH prettier than Las Vegas for sure- but I dunno, maybe it's just because I've been brought up in a place of supreme beauty. That's one thing I'll give it. It's hickish, it's horrible, but it's really lovely- that I don't find La praticularly pretty.
But I dunno, this is a stupid argurment. I'm sure Vegas is really ugly anyway- and anyway, if you come up to LA I can even show you wear I live! (Lmao).
Ooohhh... I keep forgetting to send the autograph, bad me....
Icon search does not particularly like me btw. Lmao.
Ehehehe. *^^* Hullo there, Jbram. ♥ Wow, it's been a really long time, hasn't it? But not that long in the grand scheme of things, I don't think, when you get to the heart of things. I'm glad to see you're doing well, though what's this about a pitch to TokyoPop? ♥ Good luck with that, whatever job you're performing in said pitch! As for fanfiction. Eh. I dabble here and there. It seems so long since CDRS - I need to go back and rewrite the poor, mesy thing someday. Ah, well. I do write some het - like Sorata/Arashi (hehe) and recently Vince/Real! ♥ Need to get around to some Sakura stuff someday.... *sigh-sigh* WEll, anyway - it's great to hear from you!
waiii! T-dono! ;o; I hope you're doing okay. ^^ Oh, some folks e-mailed a bunch of artists asking for help on pages to draw for their pitch to Tokyopop. I'm still considering whether I have the time to help them, but we'll see. lol, well I'm happy you've not abandoned writing fanfics altogether. :)You've got such talent for writing. XD I'm a happy for ye. Twas nice to hear from you too and again, awesome writing, I look forward to reading more from you. :)
*huggles you* Except for the stress of collegiate financing, I'm doing really well. ♥ But, you know, that's life. And I think it's a worthwhile investment. As for the pitch to TokyoPop, they'll be some lucky suckers if you do decide to help them. ^_~ Such a fabulous artist and all... Anyway, it was really nice finding you here/hearing from you! (And of course I can't abandon fic - it's an outlet for stress...)
Aww, I would be all honored and stuff to have an Original Jbramx Type Icon. ^_^ It will reside in a slot of honor within my LJ-icon-lots with a large tag reading "OMG JB MADE THIS FOR ME AND NOT FOR YOU OMG OMG". Or something like that.
Anyway, are you going to be playing with us at himura_gumi? I didn't think you'd taken up a character there!!! My rendition of Enishi is awful, but I am trying hard to make it better and better. I'm trying to make him a -recovering- psychopath. But, it's difficult.
Aww, you make me blush, lol, thank you! Is there any certain expression you need by any chance? Something you can't find of Enishi? XD I'll help ya there. :)
Oh heavens no! My days of rping are over. I'm too busy now for such a commitment. XD No, I just read that you were doing enishi so being the helpless Enishi and Bee fan that I am, I checked out your threads and I totally love it. XD
It is different, you make him so very awkward, but it's soo amusing and still rings true to his character I believe. *cracks up*
He certainly seems...dunno, younger? Like he just picked up from when he stopped growing (emotionally, I mean). Of course now he has the ghost of his sister to contend with, so this all makes for a very interesting recovery.
But yeah, like I said, you breathe such new life into this character, your writing is very, very refreshing for us Enishi fans. XD Keep up the excellent work! ^o^
Yay! You don't mind if I link Enishi's journal entries to the enishi yahoo group do you? (yes one exists, rather frightening, no?) XD Oh no, no pressure at all! I have the utmost faith in your writing skills. Hence my excitement. XD
lol, Enishi, the recovering hedonist. J/k. Growing a conscience certainly sounds difficult. I'm having that trouble with my fanfic. There he's pretty much coerced into growing one. lol, It makes writing him even more difficult (he's got such a stubborn nature). But I know you'll do an excellent job, so far I have not winced once at your characterization of him. He's absolutely hillarious. I await more writing of him with a lot of anticipation. XD XD XD
Comments 16
PS: I'm vampyrichamster, btw...
And Rurouni Kenshin. *worships*
(and yes, RK is LOVE)
Anyway, I'm off to find icons for Lj. I'm sick of only having this one, lol. *Goes to upload her DA Misao one...*
XD XD ooh, good luck on your icon search! :D
But I dunno, this is a stupid argurment. I'm sure Vegas is really ugly anyway- and anyway, if you come up to LA I can even show you wear I live! (Lmao).
Ooohhh... I keep forgetting to send the autograph, bad me....
Icon search does not particularly like me btw. Lmao.
Anyway, are you going to be playing with us at himura_gumi? I didn't think you'd taken up a character there!!! My rendition of Enishi is awful, but I am trying hard to make it better and better. I'm trying to make him a -recovering- psychopath. But, it's difficult.
Oh heavens no! My days of rping are over. I'm too busy now for such a commitment. XD No, I just read that you were doing enishi so being the helpless Enishi and Bee fan that I am, I checked out your threads and I totally love it. XD
It is different, you make him so very awkward, but it's soo amusing and still rings true to his character I believe. *cracks up*
He certainly seems...dunno, younger? Like he just picked up from when he stopped growing (emotionally, I mean). Of course now he has the ghost of his sister to contend with, so this all makes for a very interesting recovery.
But yeah, like I said, you breathe such new life into this character, your writing is very, very refreshing for us Enishi fans. XD Keep up the excellent work! ^o^
lol, Enishi, the recovering hedonist. J/k. Growing a conscience certainly sounds difficult. I'm having that trouble with my fanfic. There he's pretty much coerced into growing one. lol, It makes writing him even more difficult (he's got such a stubborn nature). But I know you'll do an excellent job, so far I have not winced once at your characterization of him. He's absolutely hillarious. I await more writing of him with a lot of anticipation. XD XD XD
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