Super Fun coming OUR WAY!

Feb 04, 2010 17:09

We've been kind of quiet for awhile, but we're slowly coming back from a long hibernation. *G* And one of the ways we're going to celebrate our 'rebirth' is a "Showdown Challenge". What's a Showdown Challenge, you ask? Well, very simply, it works like this:

A series of caps are chosen (the number is up to those who are playing) and then each 'player' does nothing BUT crop each cap however they choose to crop it. Now, let's say, for the sake of this example, two players were indulging in the challenge. Player A and Player B. They would each do their crops of, say, the same five caps. Then Player A sends her cropped caps to Player B, who sends hers to Player A. Now they get down to business and, with the cropped caps provided by the other player, they each do icons within a specified time.

When the time limit is up, they post first, the original caps, then the crops each was given by the other, and finally, their icons, side-by-side in the 'Showdown".

The primary idea behind these showdowns is to illustrate all the various techniques and the imagination of each player even though they're all using the same original caps and each other's crops.

So, in March, we'll be running our First Annual Showdown Challenge. We'll be spreading the word throughout the rest of February and you have all month to sign-up via commenting to this post. In the meantime, my fellow moderator (luna_61) and I will illustrate how this works by running a Showdown Challenge of our own! We've already chosen the caps, and you'll find them under the cut. We've also already done our cropping and exchanged them, so now, in the next two weeks, we'll be creating our icons and unveiling them on February 28th (the last day of the Olympics *g*) and we'll kick off our official Showdown Challenge on Monday, March 1st.

So get ready, folks! We're going to have fun!

challenge announcement

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