Seattle, future planning, and a semester hangover...

May 25, 2014 17:11

There are times as though I feel like I should update. Not that necessarily folks will read it, but when I look back on this time frame in 5 years, I want to be able to see what all was happening. There's definitely been a lot; these two-ish years in graduate school are flying by, and not because of OH LOOK HOW TIME FLIES but more SWEET JESUS I ( Read more... )

internships, grad school, fidget, weight loss, starship, vacation, almighty pooh planner, taing

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Comments 5

cherokee_kid May 26 2014, 16:22:57 UTC
It sounds like Forks has done a great job keeping its integrity. I would imagine it's for a tourist purpose. The "Twilight" series is out there now, and people will be dreaming of seeing Forks for many years to come. If it changes, people won't be able to imagine themselves as their favorite characters roaming around, know what I mean?

I admire you. There's no way I could do so much in a day and come in so late. I know I'd wind up zoning out on the city bus, instead of doing any reading. Go you! I want to be like you when I grow up!

Wow...planning a whole five years!? That's both awesome and scary! But, it's good to have an idea. :)


jazzminarino May 26 2014, 18:53:42 UTC
I don't know if it's "keeping its integrity." You figure while the Swann house was there and everything, most of the movie was filmed elsewhere. It's not like movie crews and everything descended upon Forks. I want to say they all filmed in Canada. So people are making a pilgrimage even though they can't get in the house and the high school wasn't even the same high school!

Aww, thanks, but no one should want to be like me when they grow up!

It IS good. We kept joking about a five-year plan, so I wanted to put it on paper. I'm more of a visual person, so wanted to see if it was actually possible versus us supposing it was.


cherokee_kid May 26 2014, 20:18:07 UTC
You're right. It just made the most sense to me. Of course, I like the small town feel, the lack of a WalMart and bigger businesses, all that jazz.

LOL I just meant so dedicated. I'm TERRIBLE at staying on track with a schedule for myself.

I haven't laid out anything past what classes I need to take through the rest of the year. It's awful, but it's about all I can handle without a panic attack!


jazzminarino May 27 2014, 01:11:39 UTC
I don't particularly care for big business AT ALL. I guess my point was things were just run down. You'd think with the tourism they could afford new coats of paint for the buildings, ya know?

I don't necessarily KEEP the schedule. But eases my mind to have a loose one in place.

I'm the most concerned about babies, really. These ovaries aren't getting any younger, so I want to make sure there is a somewhat plan of when we should be procreating. I want to give my broodlins the best chance of being awesome. Getting married and buying houses are stepping stones, but nothing that directly affects their genetic makeup.


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