why they call me it, i do not know

Apr 21, 2010 15:56

I hate deleting icons! But I love new icons more! Just uploaded 18 news pretties. Still deciding if I want the BAMF!Jasmine or the Alice Doll as my default, they're both awesome!

Also I enjoy this icon of Sam & Dean from Supernatural because I think it's tres sci-fi-y. It actually make me think of Firefly(/SPN crossovers).

Speaking of ( Read more... )

i heart icons, links, movie: disney movies, tv: supernatural, tv: firefly, i heart good crossovers, jazz, friends, lj

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Comments 3

angeliquesg April 21 2010, 23:50:39 UTC
There is so much win in that picspam ♥


jazmin22 April 22 2010, 00:11:58 UTC
I would watch it so hard.


angeliquesg April 24 2010, 03:48:52 UTC
I would watch it, and possibly icon it, and love it to death.


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