
Dec 05, 2009 15:13

Thank you, allwhowander121 for my virtual gift, a snowflake cookie!

Perfectly timed as the first snow of the season is falling now/today. :) Would totally be dancing and playing outside if I wouldn't get absolutely soaked and make myself super sick!.

winter, 2009, snow...wait! snow?!, snow, jazz, friends, sick, lj, weather, rl

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Comments 8

willow_fae_20 December 5 2009, 20:26:28 UTC
I took a couple of pics but they didn't turn out all that great. I love the snow.

How are you? It's not H1N1, is it?

*Cuddles and sends soup*


jazmin22 December 5 2009, 20:34:22 UTC
I took some pics too, for twitter, I should add them here.

Nah, not H1N1...not even having symptoms really, just the pre-sick feeling of I am going to going to be sick as a dog the second the semester is over.


willow_fae_20 December 5 2009, 20:35:40 UTC
At least it waited till you were done with school for the semester.


jazmin22 December 5 2009, 21:01:53 UTC
Yes, that was considerate or it!.


somethings_awry December 5 2009, 21:33:34 UTC
a nonvirtual snowflake cookie would've been better. Now I want a cookie... >.>


jazmin22 December 6 2009, 15:25:45 UTC
I agree, but one must do with what one has. *wants a real cookie*


kurasari December 6 2009, 06:40:25 UTC
oh the weather outside is frightful!
but the fire is so delightful
and since we've no place to go (but the internet ;P)
let it snow, let it snow, let it snow~!


jazmin22 December 6 2009, 15:24:09 UTC
*dances* thank god for the internet


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