
Jan 28, 2009 05:20

Ok, maybe it would have been better if you did,'t wait til last minute, ESU, but you did come through for your sons and daughters (especially the nursing ones...with clinicals schedules today...).

1/28/08 - Classes cancelled - Liberal leave in effective for personnel
Oh, have more beautiful words ever been seen scrolling across a school website? I ( Read more... )

ftw!, no class, snow, up late, nursing, up early, jazz, school, snowday, esu, insomnia, weather, rl

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Comments 9

weissman January 28 2009, 12:49:33 UTC
We had to go to wrk today and I wa sthe only one here for like 1 1/2 hours

head desk!


jazmin22 January 28 2009, 22:20:16 UTC
That does sound like a waste of time...


firstanointed January 28 2009, 13:41:34 UTC
YOU SO LUCKY. My college NEVER closes unless the roads are REALLY bad or there's some electrical problem. :(


jazmin22 January 28 2009, 22:22:04 UTC
I wouldn't say that my school never closes, but it is indeed rare.


mwffj January 28 2009, 14:49:40 UTC

*grumbles about not having classes canceled*


jazmin22 January 28 2009, 22:22:49 UTC
Sorry...not that I had classes cancelled, but that you didn't...


mwffj January 28 2009, 22:26:55 UTC
It's okay, I ended up skipping all day anyway. I value my education, but not enough to risk smashing my car.


jazmin22 January 28 2009, 23:06:32 UTC
...or risk smashing yourself. x_x Skipping was definitely the better choice.


arthoniel January 29 2009, 00:58:47 UTC
...You get a day off, I have to take one of the most bullshit exams ever... I envy you.

On the other hand, I got to reference Harry Potter and LOTR in my exam, so I guess it's all good. XD


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