
Jan 02, 2008 19:06

I went to the dentist again today for a filling. Let's say that we all soon realized that I needed a little more anesthetic than usual. o.O That also left me feeling like I had a stroke or a botched botox treatment. Fun times.

I finished season 1 of Buffy and have started on season 2. Also I have started on Robin Hood (series/season 2), though I ( Read more... )

tv: robin hood [bbc], dentist, tv: buffy the vampire slayer, obsessive much?, moar anesthetic!, appointments, tv

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Comments 5

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jazmin22 January 3 2008, 00:54:58 UTC
Ooops. It wasn't my intension to tempt anyone back into a fandom! I know a tv show comm, and specifically there is this one Buffy post where the person has the eps for wicked fast downloading, if your interested. Gotta love the Joss, regardless of the mindfucking (or especially because of it).


main_titles January 3 2008, 04:57:16 UTC
The dentist trip sounded like a lot of fun. Joy.

I've started watching Robin Hood, too. :D


jazmin22 January 3 2008, 05:03:14 UTC
Oh, it was! /sarcasm

I watched season 1 of Robin Hood ages ago. It was really good. So far season 2 has been great as well.


arthoniel January 7 2008, 21:56:49 UTC
Ouch... that sucks, I'm sorry you had to deal with that.

It's wierd for me though- I usually have the opposite problem. MY dentist usually puts in too much novacane, so my mouth feels all puffed up for days afterwards.... The worst was one day I got home from the dentist, my mouth felt like a Beanie Baby, and there was a fire in the basement of my apartment building. Because, if it had to happen, it would happen on the day I look and feel awful. So at least that didn't happen to you. :)


jazmin22 January 7 2008, 22:30:14 UTC
Yeah, but days afterward that whole side of my mouth is still sore and very sensitive to hot/cold. I rather stay all puffy for a while than have it be achy now.


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