Oh, dear...

Oct 06, 2007 18:53

I do believe that I have gotten myself firmly hooked onto to another book series.

Way back on my birthday, I got several new books. Because of school I haven't really gotten the chance to any leisure reading at all.

On Tuesday's trip to Harrisburg, I started A Great and Terrible Beauty by Libba Bray, but it was only the first five chapters. Today I ( Read more... )

bookseries: twilight, bookseries: terrible beauty, books

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Comments 7

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jazmin22 October 6 2007, 23:20:10 UTC
Yes, I have heard for several friends that the sequel is very good and doesn't disappoint.

I just took a small break for dinner and decide to just pop on the nt for a bit, but I shall soon return to reading. I adore the time period, and while I can't really remember reading about it before the British!India stuff is very cool.


sinspire October 6 2007, 23:19:24 UTC
Oh yeah, I read that book! I enjoyed it quite a lot, read the whole thing in one day. I guess it's just one of those books. I've been meaning to read the sequel sometime...


jazmin22 October 6 2007, 23:22:17 UTC
I think I'll be able to finish tonight, it is a real page-turner.

I have heard nothing but good things about the sequel, "Rebel Angels". Some even say it is better that the first book.


styromgalleries October 7 2007, 03:37:05 UTC
I want to read those, I just can't decide whether to buy them or just check them out at the library. XD


jazmin22 October 7 2007, 03:49:37 UTC
When I really like a book, I am sure to go back and reread them. Sometimes jsut one or two random chapter, but most asuredly the urge will come at the most random time.

I just had really good feeling about this book and my friend was going to buy me presents anyways.

I definitley suggest that you read it one way or another.


main_titles October 8 2007, 03:53:13 UTC
Rebel Angels is so great. You HAVE to read it.


jazmin22 October 8 2007, 03:56:12 UTC
Oh, I mean too! Hopefully soon...

I love your icon, that was an awesome episode.


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