And So It Begins...

Jul 21, 2007 02:14

I have The Book in my possession.

I did not reserve it or go to any parties. I just picked it up at Walmart. How very meh. of me, yes?

Actually, my sister was being her usual, delinquent self and stayed out till like 1;40 am. My dad was obviously not going to sleep until she got home. I was watching Doctor Who Series 1 "Aliens of London" on Veoh  ( Read more... )

family, booksmovies: harry potter, tv: doctor who, books, walmart, up late

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Comments 5

I did not reserve one either cold_queen_5 July 21 2007, 07:21:18 UTC
Because I'm bad ass like that.

I'm getting it today!


Re: I did not reserve one either jazmin22 July 21 2007, 21:49:12 UTC
We are so badass!


Re: I did not reserve one either cold_queen_5 July 22 2007, 04:24:39 UTC
I just got done reading under six hours. I've got a major headache but it was SO WORTH IT. I ADORED IT COMPLETELY. LOVED. LOVED. LOVED.

And that's all I'm saying.


sunshinesky July 21 2007, 14:53:17 UTC
Haha. Love your assessment of the adults. So true. Boo, I don't get my book till the middle of next week. Not that I'd have a chance to read it until then, still... must be nice to hold it :)


jazmin22 July 21 2007, 21:50:55 UTC
Well, I hope you get it and read it as soon as humanly possible!

It is so ice to hold...


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