
Nov 16, 2011 02:39

So if you haven't heard on the news already, we in MS beat that whole "personhood" thing...... by 16%!!  Woot!!

It was not as close as I thought it would be, but since our governor elect was a spokesman for the AFA (American Family Association) who was one of the backers of Prop 26, and quite a few of our elected officials/representative/senators ( ( Read more... )

buffy, personhood, movie, books, rant, piano, vampire, baby, prop 26, kids, angel, torchwood

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Comments 2

everlastinggoo November 18 2011, 13:08:39 UTC
I am sooo thrilled about Prop 26 being voted down. I'm sure they're going to keep trying, but I hope the people keep telling them a firm NO.

And I'll definitely look that book up! Sounds good but...creepy.


jaysons_lady November 19 2011, 08:54:51 UTC
Oh it (the book) definitely has it's creepy moments.

Hopefully MS will keep telling them hell no. I'm really happy about it failing to pass too. Now I don't have to move to Alabama.


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