
Feb 17, 2009 22:50

Association meme: comment to this post and I will list five things I associate with you. Then you must put them up in your journal and elaborate.   I was tagged by tanz_fanatika .

1) Firefly/Serenity (since I see River there)
Sadly I did not discover Firefly until shortly before the movie came out.  This is because at the time we didn't have cable and couldn't ( Read more... )

she-ra, meme, dolls, firefly, movies

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Comments 3

gakki February 21 2009, 05:45:03 UTC
In ANY 60's - mid 90's television universe a handfull of murderers could take over easy. Especially since "Adults are stupid".


jaysons_lady February 24 2009, 22:31:53 UTC
Are you just commenting, or did you want to participate? you didn't say.


gakki February 26 2009, 00:43:57 UTC
Take it as ye wish m'lady. This and vidoes are all I really use LJ for anymore anyways.


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