Competition: Part 7

Nov 17, 2006 12:09

Authors Note: Thanks to bookaddict43 for betaing.

And thanks, Read more... )

competition, river, rayne, malcontent, plot bunny, angst, jayne, firefly, mal

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Comments 8

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jayneswoman November 17 2006, 14:40:34 UTC
Thanks! Glad you like it....


guinny_hamilton November 17 2006, 14:56:30 UTC
*fangirl meltdown*

River + Jayne 4eva!!!

*stops squeeing long enough to write something coherent*

I'm not completely opposed to Mal/River... but Jayne! It's Jayne! So how can she not fancy him? When you really think about it, Mal's pretty stupid to even have entered this competition for River's affection. 'Cause... Jayne.

Go River! Break the Cap's heart! He'll live!


jayneswoman November 26 2006, 12:23:36 UTC
So I'm guessing you want River to choose Jayne?!! *winks*

Your wish is my command! *waves magic wand* Or is it?

More coming soon...


brithistorian November 17 2006, 15:27:32 UTC
Wow. Just ... wow. You just keep turning it up a notch here. Mal wouldn't really throw them off the ship, would he? (I hadn't even thought of that!) Can't wait for the next chapter!


jayneswoman November 26 2006, 12:27:45 UTC
Thank you, thank you, thank you! *bows to applause*

No, seriously, I couldn't have done it without you, dear readers....

But on a lighter note, thanks for encouraging me to post more with your lovely comment on the last chapter.

More to come...


brithistorian November 26 2006, 16:36:10 UTC
Ooooh! I can't wait! *squee*


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jayneswoman November 26 2006, 12:30:27 UTC
Men! *humph* Can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em!

I agree... Mal needs to have a little chat with Inara and maybe she can put him on the straight and narrow...

And I can almost definitely promise that there will be some Rayne naughtiness on the way soon.


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jayneswoman November 26 2006, 12:34:04 UTC
Yuh huh!

Come on Mal and be the Captain again. River is your little albatross and nothing more. Rayne is the OTP pairing here.


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