Holy pete...and happy holidays, early

Nov 10, 2006 06:07

As discussed yesterday, the auctionlet for the Neighbor will be running in early December. I'll have a swell teaser a bit later today, along with an up-to-now list of goodies for your charitable holiday needs. Also, I am in discussions with a Kind Volunteer who may run the auctionlet on my behalf, easing some logistical hassles. More about that as it develops.

In the meantime, however, in addition to making an auctionlet donation, the evanescent and incarnadine mizkit hath stepped into the fray with a matching fundraiser for holiday fund gifts for the Neighbor. I am croggled.

Mother of the Child and I were discussing last night all the generosity which has been shown already toward the Neighbor by this diverse community. Many of you are strangers to me, outside our online identities, and with one or two exceptions, all of you are complete strangers to her. Your support reinforces my faith in human nature and the essential goodness of each of us.

Thank you.

auction, neighbor

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