The bit of trivia that I find most interesting isn't just that Alfred Nobel created the Nobel Prizes so he wouldn't be remembered primarily as the guy who invented dynamite, but he felt that dynamite would bring an end to war, because it would make it too horrible. What I note particularly is that inventors have thought the same thing about the ballista, the helicopter and nuclear bombs, and have all been horribly wrong.
I've been imagining the explosions of heads all through the offices of Fox News this morning. *Pop* goes O'Reilly; *Pop* goes Hannity. *Pop* goes Beck. Hope someone has a mop.
I think I'm merely pointing out the fact the Barack Obama is just standing on the shore and is being praised for not getting wet. He has been given an award for no achievement or sacrifice as of now. The passed over nominees all have made significant sacrifice in their efforts for peace and human rights.
Sigh. And all along I thought the inventor of dynamite was reputedly a toss up between Jimmy "JJ" Walker, or a daring race car driver by the name of "Nitro" Glycerin. Sheesh.
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