I've come to realize that when people ask me to explain something, I tend to get *very* specific. I'll probably deliver more information that the person actually wants or *needs*. I can't help it! I like details! That's why this got so long. Soooorry.
You have to read
this first.
Final part of reason nº3 )
Comments 7
Oh, that Cinderella boy video is so nice!! So it was actually one of their last concerts? Wow. That's so sad. :'C ...But they came back, Lupe *slaps herself*
OMG. While watching the GYM vid, I was thinking, "Ah, these Gold & Mike kids are even gayer than TegoMassu & Tackey&Tsubasa--together, making out--, oh well, it's not that extravagant, I mean, aside from the weird outfits and that ...OMGWTFPB THOSE WIGS! *ded*" After that, I think my brain was too shocked to processed the rest of it. XD
...uh, I kinda forgot what else I was gonna write here (silly me thought I'd already commented on this entry). *facepalms* Oh well, we're chatting so I probably mentioned everything to you already, lol. *hugs*
Golf & Mike are really, really gay. Problem is? They're brothers! In any case, they look hot with Pi between them so you can have sweet, perverted thoughts of threesomes with them! They do show up in some interviews as GYM, even if the two can barely speak Japanese. To see that, though, you need ROOM IN YOUR PC! Clean it up!
Hey, we can have as much weird conversations as we want, here, there, everywhere! We are awesome like that ;D
LOL They're brothers?! XD OMG. That makes it really perverted!
Yes we can~! ;D Even though it's a bit schizophrenic... oh well, not like I'm not used to that. *glomps*
Me gustó la razon n°3!! El drama de estos niños es un punto importante para quererlos x33
La canción de GYM me gusta... pero sinceramente prefieron el PV de It's my soul a *ese* XPP ¿en q estaba pensando el director cuando lo diseñó? es una de las cosas mas fugly que he visto!! xP
Por cierto! vi Ppoi! o.o jajajaja, Tackey tiene una obsesion no muy sana con los juniors, sobretodo con yamapi! o.O XD me pregunto que opinará Tsubasa! :p <3 <3
Ne, mi computador no funciona desde el jueves XP blegh windows me odiaa ! =_= trataré de arreglaro hoy.. pero creo que voy a tener que instalar windows de nuevo. Y me rehuso a formatearlo, me rehuso! No tengo ni la mitad de las cosas respaldadas!! >____<
Yo también prefiero el PC de "It's My Soul" al de "Fever For The Future". Uno puede no tomarse en serio a Kanjani8, pero Yamapi con ese sombrero... y todo el concepto del PV es un poquito mucho para mi! Y la versión en tailandés me recuerda ese video de miedo con un viejo árabe que aparece de varios colores distintos con una canción bien pegadisa... ah, ahora no me acuerdo del nombre, pero la música y los pasos aun están en mi cabeza, freaky!
Tengo el fic perfecto respecto a lo que piensa Tsubasa de ese interés poco saludable que Takki tiene por Pi. Apenas encuentre el link te lo paso!
Dioses, lo de tu PC es horrible! No se te prende siquiera, para que puedas copiar toda esa enorme cantidad de cosas que sé tienes ahí?? Es más grave que eso??
i love how you wrote their story in such a way...that made people who read it feel about to cry...
i realize that i love NEWS more and more after i read this...
We love NEWS a lot, don't we? ^.~
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