Beneath the Stains of Time
Word: 2,076
Spoilers: 3.11 - Mystery Spot
Summary: Dean's still not really clear on what went down over the past day, and just how many times it did, but there's something different about Sam.
Thanks to
luzdeestrellas for the beta; any remaining mistakes are mine.
Title and cut tag from Johnny Cash's Hurt.
you are someone else, I am still right here )
Comments 46
My favorite coda so far. :) Sam all touchy and desperate and clinging and Dean letting him because it's just the way he rolls and oh. oh boys. And the comparison to Jess! Very much liked that, yes.
Aaaand RAMBO!SAMMY. A;SDLFJ;LDJ. I just loved having Dean's POV, becuse he's so clueless and confused and yet he gets it, he does, and OH, TARYN. SO GOOD.
And this is totally pre-slash, y/y?
And this is totally pre-slash, y/y?
Hee, well in my head it totally is, but really all gen I write is to me, 'cause, really, I just don't see how it could end up any other way.
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Best coda yet. Poor Sam, with the clinging and desperation, and Dean just waiting it out, being the best brother he can for his freaked out sibling. Perfect.
And I was hearing Nine Inch Nails in my head when I read the title, but that's just how *I* roll.
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