
May 12, 2007 12:27

Thank you all for the lovely birthday wishes! *smishes all of you* It was a good day. I had two midterms in the morning but I think they went pretty well, and then I just bummed around until the afternoon. My parents and sister came down to visit for the evening, my mom baked me a cake and brought candles and everything, and they took me out to ( Read more... )

tv: spn, life

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Comments 17

nekare May 12 2007, 23:10:11 UTC
Aw, candles in birthday cakes! That's just the awesomest thing ever. :))

You know, I feel like a downright bitch right now because I'm halfway through your birthday fic, and it's so HAPPY and SCHMOOPY and everyone in fandom is CRYING and I CAN'T QUITE BELIEVE MYSELF. But oh well. XD (I was totally going to write you angsty wincest, but... my wincest is broken. Kinda like Dean's heart right now. *sob*


javajunkie13 May 13 2007, 04:42:11 UTC
Aw, no! Happy and schmoopy is just what fandom needs right now! Without happy and schmoopy fandom would just implode in its own little cloud of angst before next Thursday. You'll be the savior of us all, Ale! *g*

Oh, I hate it when wincest gets broken. :( Those boys can be so fickle sometimes.


such_heights May 12 2007, 23:34:48 UTC
Does anyone other than me think that the reason Mary recognized the demon was because she was one of the psykids from the other generations the demon mentioned?

Yes! He was very 'hi you are one of multiple generations' to Sam, wasn't he?

Seriously, though, with you on the incoherent flailing. I keep trying to think sensible thoughts about the episode, but then my brain goes back to the last minute and a half and it's no good, no matter how many times I watch it (because I am clearly a masochist) it is just awful. Argh.


javajunkie13 May 13 2007, 04:52:37 UTC
He was. And it seems like the information must be relevant somehow, otherwise why even bother with the line, ya know?

Oh man, I know. I can get about halfway through a coherent thought before I just turn into a flaily mess all over again. I keep wanting to just re-watch that scene over and over again because it hurts so good. Oh, boys.


skyebanshee May 13 2007, 00:00:57 UTC
I'm sorry, I am a horrible member of your flist and did not realize it was your birthday (or was recently), so er..HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!!!

And yes, last week's SPN just...blasted my heart into oblivion. I still can't get over that last scene, even if I've watched it more than is mentally healthy. Oh, boys :(


javajunkie13 May 13 2007, 04:55:44 UTC
Aw, no worries, darling, and thank you! *g*

Seriously. Way to break fandom, Kripke. I want that last scene to play on loop all day long, just--nnngh. Boys! *whimpers*


laurificus May 13 2007, 00:39:01 UTC
*nod nod*

Mary being a former generation psykid is pretty popular, I think, and would explain a lot.

God, Dean! I keep thinking about rewatching the ep, but I just can't bring myself to. Oh, he is so broken and lost and just...he has nothing. It's how many times he says his name, and "I gotcha." and the repeated promise to take care of him. And also, god, the way he tries to joke, and his voice is already breaking. Oh, Dean!


javajunkie13 May 13 2007, 05:08:25 UTC
Yay, I'm not alone!

And Sam's complete non-responsiveness during it all, not even an eye twitch just--*whimpers* Oh God, just talking about it makes me want to curl up in a little ball. And the "It's not that bad, it's not even that bad" is just so heartbreaking. I mean there's just, there's nothing left to break on him, you know? Oh, oh, Dean.


terraneanblues May 13 2007, 03:00:35 UTC
Mary as a past-generation special kid seems to be the prevailing theme, but I'm actually thinking she made some sort of deal with the YED. John's death made it obvious that the YED is willing to take substitutions (ie, John's life and the Colt for Dean's life), so maybe Mary was in jeopardy at some point in the past and she (naively) made a deal without knowing its consequences? It would explain the 'Sam. I'm sorry.' a lot better than her just being a past generation... *shrug*

Also, you should totally watch the Director's Cut. :) It's really not very spoilery--mostly what was in the promo already and lots and lots of broken!Dean and Angst Time with Big Bird Bobby. IE, it's the perfect way to torture yourself every night for the next five nights. :-D


javajunkie13 May 13 2007, 05:12:08 UTC
Hmm, yeah, that line has always confused me a little. Iiinteresting. *g*

Nope, not gonna happen. I'm going to be completely unspoiled because when I watch the Director's cuts I recognize the scenes during the actual airing and it pulls me out of the episode, and most the time I don't mind it too much but I'm thinking this next week I definitely don't want that happening. :)


terraneanblues May 13 2007, 05:53:01 UTC
Have some angsty goodness to get you through......ie...it's part of my new playlist.

*HEADDESK* (I am so never going to stuyd for this chem exam. ever.)


javajunkie13 May 13 2007, 16:13:43 UTC
Woot! You rock like rocking thing! *g*

Dude, so with you on the headdesking, I've gotten almost no studying done for my exam either. I say we just protest the whole thing.


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