Please do not crosspost

Sep 02, 2010 10:15

As a result of this recent change to LJ, I've marked all my entried as Friends Only.

Please do not crosspost anything from my journal to Facebook or Twitter. 

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Comments 44

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jasonsnene September 2 2010, 14:31:21 UTC
ROFL. Sorry to spoil your fun. I'm sure you can come up with *something* to occupy your time instead. Hmm...lets think...some naughty Xander ought to do the trick. :D


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jasonsnene September 2 2010, 14:34:06 UTC
You are so bad. *spanks you*


mendenbar01 September 2 2010, 15:10:40 UTC
Thanks be to Ghod or whomever, that I neither Tweet nor FB nor any other of those things.

I think LJ has made a big mistake with this change. I am getting messages like yours from everyone I know. What was LJ thinking? (IDtenTs)

On a personal note: what are you up to these days? How are the munchkin(s)? My last is in college now and I think sometimes I miss the little ones (but not enough to want grandkids!)



jasonsnene September 2 2010, 15:47:10 UTC
I do have a facebook acct, but I rarely use it. Besides, its under my "real" name and I want to keep seperate what I do here and what I do there, you know? I don't really understand all the ramifications of this change, but I wanted to make sure to protect myself as much as I can ( ... )


mendenbar01 September 3 2010, 03:16:32 UTC
Now that my father-in-law is a permanent "guest" in my house, I don't have the free time I used to either. He is on a walker, has a permanent supra-pubic catheter, needs insulin on a regular basis and therefore needs meals on a regular schedule ( ... )


snogged September 2 2010, 15:24:31 UTC

Don't worry, hun. I'm feeling the same way about it.


jasonsnene September 2 2010, 15:49:17 UTC
Honestly, I don't really understand it fully, but I do know that I don't want stuff from my journal floating around other places! What the frilly heck are they thinking? I hated having to lock down my journal though. It goes against what I wanted when I set it up and makes me sad that folks can't just pop in and read my fic without having to friend me. *grr argh* Oh well, what's done is done, I suppose.


snogged September 2 2010, 16:02:10 UTC
Well, the way I see it is that you have to change your LJ settings to allow Facebook/Twitter Connect or click on one of the ticky boxes in your comment/post an entry sections.

I have heard that LJ realized that people were upset with this turn of events and they're "listening" so I think they intend to at least provide some sort of opt-out option or something.


dischargie September 2 2010, 15:37:23 UTC
*hugs* Missing you!!


jasonsnene September 2 2010, 15:50:04 UTC
Miss you too baby doll! And I LOVE that icon and want to steal it. :D


dischargie September 2 2010, 15:56:45 UTC
Then do it!! And I hadn't told you the good news...well for me good news *giggle* I'm back with him :)) And you are free to steal my icon


lorientad September 2 2010, 17:14:43 UTC
i can understand why you ask that, and you're not the only one to asks about not crossposting, there's no way i'd do that without consent anyway, but i still want to read your fics, but i can't seem to have access to them. $pout$ what do i have to do?


jasonsnene September 2 2010, 17:17:23 UTC
No worries, sweets! I added you! Some of my fic is locked down right now for personal reasons and you won't be able to access them, but most of the popular ones are still up and accessible. Let me know if you were looking to read something in particular that you can't see. ;D


lorientad September 2 2010, 19:16:26 UTC
thank you very much!


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