Dec 08, 2006 15:08
Well I just came home after watching this really adoreable movie! Its really really really cute .... seriously from the trailer it was cute but when I watched it ... well lets just say i liked it for its cuteness ... and its message ... the storyline was rather off though (well for me anyway). I totally loved the graphics there were some parts that totally looked real. I think even the people are real.
the movie actually touches on some rather pressing matters such as pollution (sorta) .. well thats all what I can think of that is sort of rather important ... the others which are not so pressng and all.
some messages that the movie does give are
- that we should actually be true to ourselves and no matter how much others tell you not to, if that really is who you are or what you love to do you shouldn't be ashamed of it.
- that pollution is a really horrible thing I mean it nearly killed that fat tubby guru penguin.
- I think they want to bring back tap dancing
- That sometimes it actually is good to go against the flow
well as much as I would like to give it 5 stars ... it was rather off, but a good movie none the less.
so .....
*** 3 STARS
but it is a good movie if you are going for cuteness, a really good kid movie (but then those who were mostly there were teenagers ... there was actually this group of girls who were taking pictures (with the flash) inside of the theatre.