Title: Serious
jasmasson Genre: Supernatural RPS, Slash
Pairing: J2
Rating: NC17
Word count: 4,000
Author’s notes: Holiday gift for
estei for
spn_holidays. So sorry it’s late! Prompt at the end.
Beta: Thanks to the delicious
candygramme who was so awesomely fast, Sam and Dean should probably investigate her.
Disclaimer: And so I said to Jensen, “Jensen,” I said, “do you
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Comments 150
“Jared,” he said sternly. “It’s not polite to put your hands in other people’s pants uninvited.” This made me laugh so hard. It's perfectly balanced with the introduction where Jensen is thinking about how people underestimate Jared's intelligence :)
Smooth and strong and muscled, but vulnerable, so fucking unexpectedly vulnerable, underneath that shell of strength. This is gorgeous. Completely amazing.
Thank you so much! This fic was well worth the wait!
I hate to say it, but I'm glad you're late too ;-)... makes me feel a bit better! It was a crisis of indecision that got me - I've started two of your other prompts! But Sam and John and SO HARD to get right, but so GOOD when they are, I suspect I'll be wrestling with that one for a while!
Thanks for such great prompts!
I definitely felt the same way. I was like, as long as my fic isn't posted yet it's not so terrible that I haven't finished my gift-fic.
Sam and John are very tricksy. I will be re-reading this one for a while yet, though. I can't thank you enough, I'm so thrilled with this fic!
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